Updated 01 December 2021
Currently not on display
Currently not on display
Quos Ego (Neptune Calming the Winds)
Date | ca. 1515-16 |
Materials and Techniques | Engraving |
Size(cm) | 42.6 x 32.7 |
State | 2nd state |
Inscriptions | Inscribed at the upper left: 'AEOLVS IMMITIT VENTOS IVNONE / PRECANTE'; at the lower left: 'TROIANOSQ VAGOS / LIBYCAS EXPELLIT / IN ORAS'; at the upper right: 'SOLATVR VENEREM / DICTIS PATER IPSE / DOLENTEM・'; at the lower right: 'AENEAM RECIPIT PVL / CHRA CARTHAGINE / DIDO・'; at the lower center: 'CVI VENVS / ASCANII SVB / IMAGINE / MITTIT / AMOREM'; Second state, the address of Antonio Salamanca erased. |
Standard ref. | Bartsch 352 |
Category | Prints |
Collection Number | G.2006-0014 |
Purchased by the NMWA, 2007.
Exhibition History
- 2007
- Italian Renaissance Prints from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 6 March 2007 - 6 May 2007, cat. no. 73
- 2011
- [Prints and Drawings Exhibition] Prints by William Blake, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 22 October 2011 - 29 January 2012
- 2013
- Raffaello, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2 March 2013 - 2 June 2013, no. 42
- 1550
- Vasari, Giorgio. Le vite de'più eccellenti pittori scultori ed architettori. Milanesi, Gaetano, ed. vol. 4, Firenze, 1550 (reprint Florence, 1998), p. 354.
- 1568
- Vasari, Giorgio. Le vite de'più eccellenti pittori scultori ed architettori. Milanesi, Gaetano, ed. vol. 5, Firenze, 1568 (reprint Florence, 1998), p. 411.
- 1651
- Daret, Pierre. Abrégé de la vie de Raphaël Sansio d'Urbin, trèsexcellent Peintre et Architecte: où il est traitté de ses oeuvres, des Stampes qui en ont esté gravées, tant par Marc-Antoine Bolognois qu'autres excellent graveurs. De l'origine de la Graveure en taille douce: Avec une adresse des lieux où les principaux peintres italiens, d'escrits par Vasari, ont travaillé. Paris, 1651, p. 71, no. 4.
- 1702
- Le Comte, Florent. Cabinet des singularites d'Architecture, Peinture, Sculpture et Graveure, ou Introduction à la connaissance des plus beaux arts, figurés sous les tableaux, les statues & les estampes. vol. 3, Brusseles, L. Marehant, 1702, pp. 231, 459-460.
- 1767
- Basan, François. Dictionnaire des graveurs anciens et modernes depuis l'origine de la gravure. vol. 1, Paris, De Lormel, 1767, p. 303.
- 1769
- Von Heinecken, Karl Heinrich. Nachrichten von Künstlern und Kunst-Sachen. vol. 2, Leipzig, Krauß, 1769, p. 470, no. 5.
- 1786
- Strutt, Joseph. A Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical Account of All the Engravers, from the Earliest Period of the Art of Engraving to the Present Time: And a Short List of Their Most Esteemed Works. vol. 2, London, J. Davis, 1786, p. 258.
- 1808
- Gori Gandellini, Giovanni. Notizie istoriche degli intagliatori. vol. 3, Siena, Porri, 1808, p. 96.
- 1812
- Gori Gandellini, Giovanni. Notizie degli intagliatori. Siena, Porri, 1812, pp. 57-58, no. 17.
- 1814
- Gori Gandellini, Giovanni. Notizie degli intagliatori. vol. 13, Siena, Porri, 1814, p. 224, no. 17.
- 1819
- Euboeus, Tauriscus. Catalogue des estampes gravées d'après Rafael. Frankfurt am Main, Hermann, 1819, pp. 227-228, no. 6.
- 1821
- Bellori, Giovanni Pietro. Descrizioni delle immagini dipinte da Raffaello d'Urbino nel Vaticano e di quelle alla Farnesina. Missirini, Melchior ed. Roma, Nella Stamperia de Romanis, 1821, p. 193.
- 1824
- Malaspina di Sannazaro, Luigi. Catalogo di una raccolta di stampe antiche compilato dallo stesso possessore March. Maluspina di Sannazaro. vol. 2, Milano, Bernardoni, 1824, p. 63.
- 1827
- Cumberland, George. An Essay on the Utility of Collecting the Best Works of the Ancient Engravers of the Italian School: Accompanied by a Critical Catalogue, with Interesting Anecdotes of the Engravers, of a Chronological Series of Rare and Valuable Prints, from the Earliest Practice of the Art in Italy to the Year 1549, Now Deposited in the British Museum and Royal Academy, in London. [London], sold by Payne and Foss, 1827, pp. 278-280.
- 1836
- Ferrario, Giulio. Le Classiche stampe dal Cominciamento della Calcografia, fino al presente compresi gli artisti viventi. Milano, S. Bravetta, 1836, p. 283.
- 1842
- Nagler, Georg Kasper. Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexicon. vol. 12, München, Fleischmann, 1842, pp. 256-257, no. 294.
- 1843
- Vallardi, Francesco Santo. Manuale del raccoglitore e del negoziante di stampe contente le stampe antiche e moderne. Milano, Sambrunico-Vismara, 1843, p. 183.
- 1850
- Heller, Joseph. Praktisches Handbuch für Kupferstichsammler oder Lexicon der vorzüglichsten und beliebtesten Kupferstecher, Formschneider, Lithographen, etc. etc. Leipzig, Weigel, 1850, p. 576.
- 1854
- Le Blanc, Charles. Manuel de l'Amateur des estampes: contenant le dictionnaire des graveurs de toutes les nations, dans lequel sont décrites les estampes rares, précieuses et intéressantes, avec l'indication de leurs différents états et des prix auxquels ces estampes ont été portées dans les ventes publiques, en France et à l'etranger, depuis un siècle. vol. 3, Paris, 1854-1888, p. 279, n. 222.
- 1857
- Mariette, Pierre Jean. Abecedario de P.J. Mariette et autres notes inédites de cet amateur sur les arts et les artistes: ouvrage publié d'après les manuscrits autographes, conservés au cabinet des estampes de la Bibliothèque impériale / et annoté par Ph. de Chennevières et A. de Montaiglon. Paris, 1857/58 (Les archives de l’art français, t. 4.), pp. 327-328.
- 1860
- Passavant, Johann David. Raphaël d'Urbin et son père Giovanni Santi. vol. 2, Paris, 1860, pp. 576-577, n. 39.
- 1864
- Passavant, Johann David. Le Peintre Graveur. vol. 6, Leipzig, 1864, p. 26, n. 138.
- 1864
- Gruyer, Francois Anatole. Raphaël et l'antiquité. vol. 2, Paris, Renouard, 1864, pp. 85-94.
- 1866
- Engelmann, Wilhelm. Beschreibendes verzeichniss einer Privatsammlung von Kupferstichen, I. Raphael. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1866, pp. 69, 107, no. 39.
- 1873
- Andresen, Andreas. Handbuch für Kupferstichsammler oder Lexicon der Kupferstecher, Maler-Radirer und Formschneider aller Länder und Schulen nach Massgabe ihrer geschätztesten Blätter und Werke. vol. 2, Leipzig, Weigel, 1873, p. 355, no. 57.
- 1876
- Ruland, Carl. The Works of Raphael Santi da Urbino as Represented in the Raphael Collection in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, Formed by H. R. H. the Prince Consort, 1853-1861 and Completed by Her Majesty Queen Victoria. 1876, p. 126.
- 1881
- Thode, Henry. Die Antiken in den Stichen Marcanton's, Agostino Veneziano's und Marco Dente's. Leipzig, Seemann, 1881, pp. 25-26, no. 13.
- 1888
- Delaborde, Henri, Vicomte. Marc-Antoine Raimondi. Paris, n.d. [1888?], pp. 146-148, n. 102.
- 1898
- Hirth, Herbert. Marcanton und sein Stil: Eine kunstgeschichtliche Studie. Dissertation, Leipzig/ München, 1898, p. 34.
- 1930
- Pittaluga, Mary. L'incisione italiana nel Cinquecento. Milano, n.d. [1930?], p. 154.
- 1949
- Pouncey, Philip. Early Italian Engraving. The Burlington Magazine. vol. 91, no. 557, 1949, p. 235.
- 1954
- Davidson, Bernice F. Marcantonio Raimondi: The Engravings of his Roman Period. Dissertation, Radcliffe College Harvard University, Cambridge, 1954, pp. 164-167.
- 1966
- Oberhuber, Konrad. Renaissance in Italien: 16. Jahrhundert, Werke aus dem Besitz der Albertina (exh. cat. ). 18 February - 18 May 1966. Wien, Albertina, 1966, (Die Kunst der Graphik 3), pp. 99-100, n. 140.
- 1968
- Bianchi, Lidia. "La fortuna di Raffaello nell'incisione". Raffaello: L'opera, le fonti, la fortuna. Novara, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1968, pp. 647-689, p. 684, note 191.
- 1968
- De Witt, Antony. Marcantonio Raimondi: Incisioni scelte e annotate da Antony de Witt. Firenze, 1968, n. 55.
- 1972
- Adhémar, Jean; Sakamoto, Mitsuru; Yoshikawa Itsuji, eds. Gravure d'Occident des origines à nos jours. vol. 2, Tokyo, Chikuma Shobo, 1972 (in Japanese and French), pp. 28-29, no. 67.
- 1974
- Oberhuber, Konrad. Rome and Venice: Prints of the High Renaissance (exh. cat.). Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA., 1974, n. 17, pp. 31-36 (text by L. Nees).
- 1977
- Mostra di stampe antiche secolo XV-XVIII (exh. cat.). Museo nazionale, d'arte moderna, Kyoto, 15 April - 15 May 1977; Museo provinciale d'arte moderna di Kanagawa, Kamakura, 21 May - 19 June 1977, Kyoto, Korinsha, [1977], cat. no. 22
- 1978
- Lambert, Gisèle; Oberthür, Mariel. "Marc-Antoine Raimondi. Illustrations du catalogue de son oeuvre, gravé par Henri Delaborde publié en 1888". Gazette des Beaux-Arts, tome 92, Juillet-Août 1978, no. and fig. 102.
- 1978
- Oberhuber, Konrad. "The Works of Marcantonio Raimondi and his School." The Illustrated Bartsch, vol. 27, New York, 1978, p. 49.
- 1978
- Nees, Lawrence. Le “Quos Ego” de Marc-Antoine Raimondi. Nouvelles de l'estampe. no. 40-41, 1978, p. 18-29.
- 1978
- Du Bois-Reymond, Irena. Die römischen Antikenstiche Marcantonio Raimondis. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität, München, 1978, pp. 99-115.
- 1979
- Kühn-Hattenhauer, Dorothee. Das grafische oeuvre des Francesco Villamena. Freien Universität Berlin, 1979, Ph. D, p. 293.
- 1979
- Landau, David. Primitivi italiani - note da Oxford. / Early Italians - notes from Oxford. Print Collector Il conoscitore di stampe. no. 42, 1979, pp. 2-4.
- 1981
- Shoemaker, Innis H. (cat. ed. & essays); Broun, Elizabeth (essays). The Engravings of Marcantonio Raimondi (exh. cat.). Spencer Museum of Art, The Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, 16 November 1981 - 3 January 1982; The Ackland Art Museum, The Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 10 February – 28 March, 1982; Wellesley College Art Museum, Wellesley, 15 April - 15 June. Lawrence, Spencer Museum of Art, Univ. of Kansas; Chapel Hill, Ackland Art Museum, Univ. of North Carolina , c1981, pp. 120-122, n. 32.
- 1982
- Meisterwerke alter Druckgraphik aus der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart: zum 100. Geburtstag des Stifters Max Kade (exh. cat.). Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 9 December, 1982 - 13 February, 1983, no. and fig. 105.
- 1983
- Jones, Roger; Penny, Nicholas. Raphael. New Haven, 1983, pp.180-183, lastra 184.
- 1984
- Lord, Carla. Raphael, Marcantonio Raimondi, and Virgil. Source. III/4 (summer 1984) , 1984, pp. 83-84, fig. 1.
- 1984
- Lord, Carla. "Raphael, Marcantonio Raimondi, and Virgil. Source", vol. 3, no. 4, 1984, pp. 81-92, pp. 83-84, fig. 1.
- 1984
- Mason, Rainer Michael; Natale, Mauro. Raphael et la seconde main: Raphaël dans la gravure du XVIe siècle, simulacres et prolifération, Genève et Raphaël (exh. cat.). Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Genève, 1984, pp.69-70, n. 84, pp. 83 sgg., fig. 1.
- 1985
- Raphael invenit: Stampe da Raffaello nelle collezioni dell'Istituto nazionale per la grafica (exh. cat.). Bernini Pezzini, Grazia; Massari, Stefania; Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, Simonetta, eds. Rome, Istituto nazionale per la grafica. Rome, Quasar, 1985, pp. 244-245, n. IV 1 (text by S. Massari).
- 1985
- Emison, Patricia A. Invention and the Italian Renaissance Print, Mantegna to Parmigianino. Dissertation, Columbia Univ., 1985, pp. 174-178.
- 1988
- Davis. Bruce. Mannerist Prints: International Style in the Sixteenth Century (exh. cat.). Los Angeles, 1988, n. and fig. 36.
- 1992
- Cordellier, Dominique; Py, Bernadette. Raphaël: son atrier, ses copistes. Paris, 1992, pp. 316-317.
- 1994
- Landau, David; Parshall, Peter. The Renaissance Print, 1470-1550. New Haven/ London, 1994, pp. 122-124.
- 1999
- Roma e lo stile classico di Raffaello 1515-1527 (exh. cat.). Oberhuber, Konrad; Gnann, Achim (cat. ed.). Palazzo Te, Mantova, 20 March – 30 May 1999; Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna, 23 June – 5 September. Milano, Electa , c1999, pp. 114-115, n. 53.
- 2001
- Raffael und die Folgen: das Kunstwerk in Zeitaltern seiner graphischen Reproduzierbarkeit, Staatsgalarie Stuttgart, Graphische Sammlung (exh. cat.). Höper, Corinna; Brückle, Wolfgang; Felbinger, Udo. Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 26 May - 22 July 2001. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2001, pp. 204-205, n. A 89.1.
- 2008
- Annual bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 41 (Apr. 2006-Mar. 2007), 2008, List of New Acquisitions. p. 47.