更新日 2025.03.07 | 07 March 2025
展示中 常設展 | Permanent collection

Angelica Kauffman
Chur, 1741 - Rome, 1807
パリスを戦場へと誘うヘクトール Hector Upbraiding Paris for his Retreat from Battle
制作年 | 1770年代 |
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 81.4 x 112.1 |
署名・年記 | 右下に署名:Angelica Kauffman Pinx |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.2015-0003 |
スイスに生まれ、ローマやロンドンで活躍した新古典主義の画家カウフマンは、女性としては当時めずらしく歴史画の領域で国際的な成功をおさめました。充実したロンドン時代に描かれた本作は、トロイア戦争を詠った古代ギリシャの叙事詩『イーリアス』にもとづき、スパルタ王の妻ヘレネとの恋に溺れるトロイア王子のパリスに対して兄ヘクトールが戦場へ戻るように諌める場面を取りあげています。ここではパリスの姿もどこか女性的で、画面左の侍女たちもふくめて画面には非戦闘的な雰囲気が漂っています。カウフマンはトロイア戦争の物語中でも、夫の無事を祈るペネロペなど、女性の立場を代弁する主題をしばしば取りあげましたが、本作も同様の観点から描かれたのでしょう。(出典: 展示室作品解説パネル)
George Bowles, Wanstead, by 1788, d. 1817; to his sister, Rebecca, wife of Sir John Rushout; Hon. Anne Rushout, 1826; Sir Charles Rushout; and by descent to the Third Baron Rushout, d. 1859; to Sir Charles Cockerell, who became Sir Charles F. Rushout of Sezincote House, Gloucestershire; to his heirs; Sale Phillips and Neale, London, 9-12 December 1879 (as Hector and Paris); sold to Aldis; Mrs. N. D'Arcy; Sale Christie's, London, 8 December 1950, lot 23 (as Achilles in his Tent); Private Collection, England; Sale Christie's, London, Old Master & British Paintings, Evening Sale, 8 July 2014, lot 30; Purchased by NMWA, 2015.
- 2017
- [平成29年度国立美術館巡回展]国立西洋美術館所蔵 ミューズ(芸術の女神):まなざしの先の女性たち, 福島県立美術館, 2017年4月22日-2017年7月2日, 秋田県立近代美術館, 7月15日-9月18日, cat. no. 1
- 1788
- Pictures in the Bowles Collection. Boydell, 1788, (engraved by Georg Siegmund and Johann Gottlieb Facius)
- 1892
- Gerard, Frances A. Angelica Kauffmann: A Biography. London, Ward and Downey, 1892, p. 339, no. 19.
- 1924
- Manners, Victoria; Williamson, G. C. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A., Her Life and Her Works. New York, Brentano's [1924], p. 232.
- 1992
- Roworth, Wendy Wassyng. "The art of paintings". Angelica Kauffman: A Continental Artist in Georgian England. Roworth, Wendy Wassyng, ed. London, Reaktion Books, 1992, pp. 60-61, 209, fig. 41 (mistakenly as the painting exhibited at the Royal Academy).
- 1998
- Angelika Kauffmann (exh. cat.). Baumgärtel, Bettina et al., eds. Sammlung Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf; Haus der Kunst, München; Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje, 1998, pp. 172, 174 (under no. 59), 380 (under no. 224).
- 2017
- 国立西洋美術館報. No. 50 (Apr. 2015-Mar. 2016), 2017, 陳岡めぐみ. 新収作品. pp. 18-19, 新収作品一覧. p. 26, col. repr.
- 2017
- 芸術の女神ミューズ:まなざしの先の女性たち:国立西洋美術館所蔵:平成29年度国立美術館巡回展 (exh. cat.). 中田明日佳責任編集. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2017, pp. 22, 138, cat. no. 1, col. repr.

On Display
Hector Upbraiding Paris for his Retreat from Battle
Date | 1770s |
Materials and Techniques | Oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 81.4 x 112.1 |
Inscriptions | Signed lower right: Angelica Kauffman Pinx |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.2015-0003 |
A Neoclassical artist who worked in Rome and London, Angelica Kauffman gained an international reputation for history painting. Taking its theme from the Greek epic poem The Iliad, this work shows the Trojan prince Hector upbraiding his younger brother Paris whose elopement with Helen, the queen of Sparta, triggered the Trojan War: he is angry with him for leaving the battleground. Kauffman, in tackling historical themes, often adopts the female point of view, as she does here by softening the martial tone. (Source: Gallery label, July 2016)
George Bowles, Wanstead, by 1788, d. 1817; to his sister, Rebecca, wife of Sir John Rushout; Hon. Anne Rushout, 1826; Sir Charles Rushout; and by descent to the Third Baron Rushout, d. 1859; to Sir Charles Cockerell, who became Sir Charles F. Rushout of Sezincote House, Gloucestershire; to his heirs; Sale Phillips and Neale, London, 9-12 December 1879 (as Hector and Paris); sold to Aldis; Mrs. N. D'Arcy; Sale Christie's, London, 8 December 1950, lot 23 (as Achilles in his Tent); Private Collection, England; Sale Christie's, London, Old Master & British Paintings, Evening Sale, 8 July 2014, lot 30; Purchased by NMWA, 2015.
Exhibition History
- 2017
- [Traveling Exhibitions Presenting National Art Museum Collections, Fiscal 2017] Muse: Women before the Artists' Eyes: From the Collection of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art, 22 April 2017 - 2 July 2017, Akita Museum of Modern Art, 15 July-18 September, cat. no. 1
- 1788
- Pictures in the Bowles Collection. Boydell, 1788, (engraved by Georg Siegmund and Johann Gottlieb Facius)
- 1892
- Gerard, Frances A. Angelica Kauffmann: A Biography. London, Ward and Downey, 1892, p. 339, no. 19.
- 1924
- Manners, Victoria; Williamson, G. C. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A., Her Life and Her Works. New York, Brentano's [1924], p. 232.
- 1992
- Roworth, Wendy Wassyng. "The art of paintings". Angelica Kauffman: A Continental Artist in Georgian England. Roworth, Wendy Wassyng, ed. London, Reaktion Books, 1992, pp. 60-61, 209, fig. 41 (mistakenly as the painting exhibited at the Royal Academy).
- 1998
- Angelika Kauffmann (exh. cat.). Baumgärtel, Bettina et al., eds. Sammlung Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf; Haus der Kunst, München; Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje, 1998, pp. 172, 174 (under no. 59), 380 (under no. 224).
- 2017
- Annual Bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 50 (Apr. 2015-Mar. 2016), 2017, Jingaoka, Megumi. New Acquisitions. pp. 18-19, List of New Acquisitions. p. 26, col. repr.
- 2017
- Muse: Women before the Artists' Eyes: from the Collection of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo: Traveling Exhibitions Presenting National Art Museum Collections, Fiscal 2017 (exh. cat.). Nakada, Asuka, ed. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2017, pp. 22, 138, cat. no. 1, col. repr.