更新日 2025.02.28 | 28 February 2025

Evaristo Baschenis
Bergamo, 1617 - 1677
楽器のある静物 A Still Life with Musical Instruments
制作年 | 1660年代後半 |
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 98 x 145 |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.2015-0002 |
北イタリアのベルガモで活躍したバスケニスは、堅固な幾何学的構成のなかに独特の静けさを湛えた楽器の静物画によって美術史に名を残しました。本作は画家の典型的な作風をきわめて高いレベルで示しており、晩年に差しかかる1660年代後半の作と推定されます。一見無造作に置かれた楽器群は、画面の奥に覗くリュートのヘッドを軸に、画面の右に向かって扇状に広げられ、そのリュートの腹部には、積もった埃の上から指でなぞった跡が精緻に再現されています。事物の外見を客観的に描写しながらも、そこにメランコリックな詩情を閉じ込めることに成功した本作のような作品から、バスケニスは「地方に閉じこもっていたイタリアのフェルメール」とも評されました。(出典: 展示室作品解説パネル)
1680, Post-mortem inventory of Francesco Moroni, Bergamo; By 1912, Count Moroni, Bergamo; By 1983, Silvano Lodi, Campione d'Italia; Sale, Christie's, New York, 6 April 2006, lot 60; Otto Naumann, Ltd.; Purchased by NMWA, 2015.
- 1983
- Italian Still Life Paintings from Three Centuries, National Academy of Design, New York, 1983年2月2日-1983年3月13日, Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, 9 April–30 June 30; Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, 30 July–11 September 1983, cat, no. 24, col. repr.
- 1984
- Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillebenmalerei aus drei Jahrhunderten, Sammlung Silvano Lodi, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek, München, 1984年11月27日-1985年2月22日, cat. no. 37, col.repr.
- 1986
- イタリア美術展:知られざる静物画の伝統、シルヴァーノ・ロディ・コレクション, 埼玉県立近代美術館, 1986年8月8日-1986年9月21日, 下関市立美術館; 西武美術館, cat. no. 32
- 1990
- La curiosità dipinta: elementi di collezionismo tra XVI e XVIII secolo, X Internazionale antiquariato, Milano, 1990年3月30日-1990年4月8日, Gallerie principe Eugenio, Torino, 18 April-5 May 1990, cat. no. III
- 1996
- Evaristo Baschenis e la natura morta in Europa, Galleria d'arte moderna e contemporanea, Bergamo, 1996年10月4日-1997年1月12日, cat. no. 24, col. repr.
- 2001
- イタリア静物画展:シルヴァーノ・ロ-ディ・コレクション, 安田火災東郷青児美術館, 東京, 2001年4月28日-2001年5月26日, 新潟市美術館, 2001年6月2日-7月22日; 北海道立函館美術館, 2001年7月29日-9月9日; 富山市民プラザアートギャラリー, 2001年10月6日-10月28日; 足利市立美術館, 2001年11月3日-12月9日; 山形美術館, 2002年4月5日-5月6日, cat. no. 25, col. repr.
- 2003
- Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillleben aus vier Jahrhunderten: Sammlung Silvano Lodi, Schloss Achberg, 2003年4月11日-2003年10月12日
- 2022
- Evaristo Baschenis 1617-1677: Le Triomphe des Instruments de Musique dans la Peinture du XVIIe Siècle, Galerie Canesso, 2022年10月6日-2022年12月10日, cover, p. 45, fig. 29, col. repr.
- 1931
- Delogu, G. Pittori minori liguri, lombardi, piemontesi del seicento e del settecento. Venezia, Stamperia editrice Zanetti, 1931, p. 220.
- 1946
- Angelini, Luigi. I Baschenis. Bergamo, Edizioni Orobiche, [1946], p. 85, plate 42.
- 1971
- Rosci, Marco. Baschenis, Battera & Co: Produzione e mercato della natura morta del seicento in Italia. Milano, Görlich, 1971, pp. 50-51, 55, 124, no. 103, repr.
- 1983
- Italian Still Life Paintings from Three Centuries (exh. cat.). Spike, John T., ed. National Academy of Design, New York, 2 February – 13 March 1983; Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, 9 April – 30 June 30; Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, 30 July – 11 September 1983. Florence, Centro Di, 1983, pp. 76-77, no. 24.
- 1984
- Salerno, Luigi. La natura morta italiana, 1560-1805. Wolf, Robert Erich, trans. Roma, Ugo Bozzi Editore, 1984, p. 155, fig. 39.2
- 1984
- Salerno, Luigi. Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillebenmalerei aus drei Jahrhunderten, Sammlung Silvano Lodi (exh. cat.). Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek, München, 27 November 1984 – 22 February 1985. Florenz, Centro Di, 1984, pp. 94-95, no. 37.
- 1985
- Rosci, Marco. Evaristo Baschenis: Bartolomeo e Bonaventura Bettera. Bergamo, Poligrafiche Bolis, 1985, p. 82, no. 47, p. 128, no. 1, repr.
- 1986
- イタリア美術展:知られざる静物画の伝統、シルヴァーノ・ロディ・コレクション. 埼玉県立近代美術館;下関市立美術館; 西武美術館編. 日本テレビ放送網; 美術館連絡協議会, 1986, no. 32, pp. 88-89, 164.
- 1987
- Ravelli, L. Bartolomeo Arbotoni piacentino, maestro di Evaristo Baschenis: ipotesi sulla formazione del pittore Bergamasco. Bergamo, 1987, p. 51, no. 46.
- 1990
- La curiosità dipinta: elementi di collezionismo tra XVI e XVIII secolo (exh. cat.). Anedi, Gabriella et al., eds. Milano, EXPO, 1990, p. 35, no. III.
- 1996
- Evaristo Baschenis e la natura morta in Europa (exh. cat.). Milano, Skira, 1996, pp. 184-187, no. 24.
- 2000
- The Still Lifes of Evaristo Baschenis: The Music of Silence (exh. cat.). Bayer, Andrea, ed. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 17 November 2000 – 4 March 2001. Milano, Olivares, 2000, p. 37, fig. 19 (detail), pp. 43, 51.
- 2001
- イタリア静物画展:シルヴァーノ・ロ-ディ・コレクション. 安田火災東郷青児美術館, 東京, 2001年4月28日 - 5月26日; 新潟市美術館, 2001年6月2日 - 7月22日; 北海道立函館美術館, 2001年7月29日 - 9月9日; 富山市民プラザアートギャラリー, 2001年10月6日 - 10月28日; 足利市立美術館, 2001年11月3日 - 12月9日; 山形美術館, 2002年4月5日 - 5月6日. [東京], 現代彫刻センター, 2001, p. 59, no. 25.
- 2003
- Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillleben aus vier Jahrhunderten: Sammlung Silvano Lodi (exh. cat.). Dathe, Stefanie, ed. Schloss Achberg, 11 April – 12 October 2003. Ravensburg, Landratsamt, 2003
- 2017
- 国立西洋美術館報. No. 50 (Apr. 2015-Mar. 2016), 2017, 川瀬佑介. 新収作品. pp. 15-17, 新収作品一覧. p. 26, col. repr.
- 2022
- Evaristo Baschenis 1617-1677: Le Triomphe des Instruments de Musique dans la Peinture du XVIIe Siècle (exh. cat.). De Pascale, Enrico. Paris, Galerie Canesso, 2022, cover, p. 45, fig. 29, col. repr.

Currently not on display
A Still Life with Musical Instruments
Date | The latter half of 1660s |
Materials and Techniques | Oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 98 x 145 |
Inscriptions | Signed on the edge of the spinet: EVARISTUS BASCHENIS P. |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.2015-0002 |
Evaristo Baschenis was active in Bergamo, northern Italy, around the middle of the seventeenth century. He became best known for still-life paintings featuring musical instruments, which are characterized by their geometric composition and preternatural stillness. While the instruments in this work may seem to be haphazardly placed, they are actually arranged in a fan-like pattern. Notice the finger traces exquisitely captured in the dust on the back of the lute. Although the externals of each item are represented objectively, the artist also manages to infuse the picture with a melancholic poetic charm. (Source: Gallery label, July 2016)
1680, Post-mortem inventory of Francesco Moroni, Bergamo; By 1912, Count Moroni, Bergamo; By 1983, Silvano Lodi, Campione d'Italia; Sale, Christie's New York, 6 April 2006, lot 60; Otto Naumann, Ltd.; Purchased by NMWA, 2015.
Exhibition History
- 1983
- Italian Still Life Paintings from Three Centuries, National Academy of Design, New York, 2 February 1983 - 13 March 1983, Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, 9 April–30 June 30; Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, 30 July–11 September 1983, cat, no. 24, col. repr.
- 1984
- Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillebenmalerei aus drei Jahrhunderten, Sammlung Silvano Lodi, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek, München, 27 November 1984 - 22 February 1985, cat. no. 37, col.repr.
- 1986
- Italian Still Life Painting from Three Centuries: The Silvano Lodi Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, 8 August 1986 - 21 September 1986, Shimonoseki City Art Museum; The Seibu Museum of Art, cat. no. 32
- 1990
- La curiosità dipinta: elementi di collezionismo tra XVI e XVIII secolo, X Internazionale antiquariato, Milano, 30 March 1990 - 8 April 1990, Gallerie principe Eugenio, Torino, 18 April-5 May 1990, cat. no. III
- 1996
- Evaristo Baschenis e la natura morta in Europa, Galleria d'arte moderna e contemporanea, Bergamo, 4 October 1996 - 12 January 1997, cat. no. 24, col. repr.
- 2001
- Italian Still Life Painting: From the Silvano Lodi Collection, Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art, Tokyo, 28 April 2001 - 26 May 2001, Niigata City Art Museum, 2 Ju.–22 Jl.; Hakodate Museum of Art, 29 Jl.-9 S.; Toyama Shimin Plaza Art Gallery, 6–28 O.; Ashikaga Museum of Art, 3 N.–9 D.; Yamagata Museum of Art, 5 Ap.–6 May 2002, n. 25
- 2003
- Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillleben aus vier Jahrhunderten: Sammlung Silvano Lodi, Schloss Achberg, 11 April 2003 - 12 October 2003
- 2022
- Evaristo Baschenis 1617-1677: Le Triomphe des Instruments de Musique dans la Peinture du XVIIe Siècle, Galerie Canesso, 6 October 2022 - 10 December 2022, cover, p. 45, fig. 29, col. repr.
- 1931
- Delogu, G. Pittori minori liguri, lombardi, piemontesi del seicento e del settecento. Venezia, Stamperia editrice Zanetti, 1931, p. 220.
- 1946
- Angelini, Luigi. I Baschenis. Bergamo, Edizioni Orobiche, [1946], p. 85, plate 42.
- 1971
- Rosci, Marco. Baschenis, Battera & Co: Produzione e mercato della natura morta del seicento in Italia. Milano, Görlich, 1971, pp. 50-51, 55, 124, no. 103, repr.
- 1983
- Italian Still Life Paintings from Three Centuries (exh. cat.). Spike, John T., ed. National Academy of Design, New York, 2 February – 13 March 1983; Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, 9 April – 30 June 30; Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, 30 July – 11 September 1983. Florence, Centro Di, 1983, pp. 76-77, no. 24.
- 1984
- Salerno, Luigi. La natura morta italiana, 1560-1805. Wolf, Robert Erich, trans. Roma, Ugo Bozzi Editore, 1984, p. 155, fig. 39.2
- 1984
- Salerno, Luigi. Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillebenmalerei aus drei Jahrhunderten, Sammlung Silvano Lodi (exh. cat.). Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek, München, 27 November 1984 – 22 February 1985. Florenz, Centro Di, 1984, pp. 94-95, no. 37.
- 1985
- Rosci, Marco. Evaristo Baschenis: Bartolomeo e Bonaventura Bettera. Bergamo, Poligrafiche Bolis, 1985, p. 82, no. 47, p. 128, no. 1, repr.
- 1986
- Italian Still Life Painting from Three Centuries: The Silvano Lodi Collection (exh. cat.). The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama; Shimonoseki City Art Museum; The Seibu Museum of Art, eds. Nippon Television Network Corporation; The Japan Association of Art Museums, 1986, no. 32, pp. 88-89, 164.
- 1987
- Ravelli, L. Bartolomeo Arbotoni piacentino, maestro di Evaristo Baschenis: ipotesi sulla formazione del pittore Bergamasco. Bergamo, 1987, p. 51, no. 46.
- 1990
- La curiosità dipinta: elementi di collezionismo tra XVI e XVIII secolo (exh. cat.). Anedi, Gabriella et al., eds. Milano, EXPO, 1990, p. 35, no. III.
- 1996
- Evaristo Baschenis e la natura morta in Europa (exh. cat.). Milano, Skira, 1996, pp. 184-187, no. 24.
- 2000
- The Still Lifes of Evaristo Baschenis: The Music of Silence (exh. cat.). Bayer, Andrea, ed. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 17 November 2000 – 4 March 2001. Milano, Olivares, 2000, p. 37, fig. 19 (detail), pp. 43, 51.
- 2001
- Italian Still Life Painting: From the Silvano Lodi Collection (exh. cat.). Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art, Tokyo, 28 April – 26 May 2001. Niigata City Art Museum, 2 June – 22 July 2001; Hakodate Museum of Art, Hokkaido, 29 July - 9 September 2001; Toyama Shimin Plaza Art Gallery, 6 October – 28 October 2001; Ashikaga Museum of Art 3 November – 9 December 2001; Yamagata Museum of Art, 5 April – 6 May 2002. [Tokyo], Contemporary Sculpture Center, 2001, p. 59, no. 25.
- 2003
- Natura morta italiana: Italienische Stillleben aus vier Jahrhunderten: Sammlung Silvano Lodi (exh. cat.). Dathe, Stefanie, ed. Schloss Achberg, 11 April – 12 October 2003. Ravensburg, Landratsamt, 2003
- 2017
- Annual Bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 50 (Apr. 2015-Mar. 2016), 2017, Kawase, Yusuke. New Acquisitions. pp. 15-17, List of New Acquisitions. p. 26, col. repr.
- 2022
- Evaristo Baschenis 1617-1677: Le Triomphe des Instruments de Musique dans la Peinture du XVIIe Siècle (exh. cat.). De Pascale, Enrico. Paris, Galerie Canesso, 2022, cover, p. 45, fig. 29, col. repr.