更新日 2024.02.26 | 26 February 2024
展示中 常設展 | Permanent collection

Vilhelm Hammershøi
1864 - 1916
ピアノを弾く妻イーダのいる室内 Interior with Ida Playing the Piano
制作年 | 1910年 |
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 76 x 61.5 |
署名・年記 | 右下に署名(モノグラム); VH |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.2008-0003 |
19世紀末デンマークを代表する画家ハンマースホイは、妻イーダの後ろ姿を繰り返し描きました。二つの部屋をつなぐ扉はこちらに向かって開き、イーダが奏でるピアノの音が奥から流れてくるような効果を生んでいます。全体の構図はフェルメールの影響を受けていますが、画面は生活感に乏しく、17世紀オランダの親密な風俗画とは趣が異なります。イーダの頭上の銅版画は何が表されているかわからず、謎めいた雰囲気を高めています。 (出典: 展示室作品解説パネル)
Mr. Alexander Maitland, Edinburgh; Admiral Sir Nigel and Lady Henderson; Swedish private collector; Purchased by the NMWA, 2008.
- 2000
- Vilhelm Hammershøi, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, 2000年2月18日-2000年5月7日, (カタログ外、追加作品として展示)
- 2008
- Vilhelm Hammershøi, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2008年6月24日-2008年9月7日, cat. no. 67, col. repr.
- 2008
- ヴィルヘルム・ハンマースホイ 静かなる詩情, 国立西洋美術館, 2008年9月30日-2008年12月7日, cat. no. 73
- 2014
- 非日常からの呼び声:平野啓一郎が選ぶ西洋美術の名品, 国立西洋美術館, 2014年4月8日-2014年6月15日, cat. no. 30
- 2020
- ハマスホイとデンマーク絵画, 東京都美術館, 2020年1月21日-2020年3月26日, cat. no. 85
- 2023
- 部屋のみる夢—Interior Visions:ボナールからティルマンス、現代の作家まで, ポーラ美術館, 2023年1月28日-2023年7月2日, cat. no. 5, col. repr.
- 1918
- Michaëlis, Sophus; Bramsen, Alfred. Vilhelm Hammershøi: Kunstneren og hans voerk. København, 1918, p. 109, no. 336.
- 1992
- Vad, Poul. Vilhelm Hammershøi and Danish Art at the Turn of the Century. Tindall, Kenneth, trans. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1992, pp. 316, 335, 457, pl. 212.
- 2000
- Vilhelm Hammershøi (exh. cat.). Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, 2000, pp. 140-143.
- 2008
- Hammershøi(exh.cat.). Krämer, Felix; Sato, Naoki; Fonsmark, Anne-Birgitte, eds. London/ [Paris], Royal Academy of Arts; Hazan, 2008, cat. no. 67, col. repr.
- 2010
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 43(Apr. 2008-Mar. 2009), 2010, 佐藤直樹. 新収作品. pp. 12-15, 新収作品一覧. p. 45. repr.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 117, col. repr.
- 2020
- ハマスホイとデンマーク絵画(exh. cat.). 東京, 読売新聞東京本社, c2020, cat. no. 85, col. repr.
- 2023
- 部屋のみる夢—Interior Visions:ボナールからティルマンス、現代の作家まで (exh.cat.). 近藤萌絵; 工藤弘ニ編. 東京, 求竜堂, 2023, pp. 31, 132, 136, cat. no. 5, col. repr.

On Display
Interior with Ida Playing the Piano
Date | 1910 |
Materials and Techniques | oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 76 x 61.5 |
Inscriptions | Signed lower right with monogram: VH |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.2008-0003 |
Vilhelm Hammershøi, a leading late nineteenth-century Danish artist, often created works that depict his wife Ida seen from behind. The doors separating the rooms are swung open in our direction, inviting us to imagine the sound of Ida’s piano emerging from the background. Although Vermeer’s overall influence is unmistakable, the image’s sense of unreality distinguishes it from the intimate genre painting of seventeenth-century Holland. The print seen above Ida’s head withholds its subject matter, adding to the enigmatic quality of Hammershøi’s composition. (Source: Gallery label, October 2016)
Mr. Alexander Maitland, Edinburgh; Admiral Sir Nigel and Lady Henderson; Swedish private collector; Purchased by the NMWA, 2008.
Exhibition History
- 2000
- Vilhelm Hammershøi, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, 18 February 2000 - 7 May 2000, (not included in the exhibiton catalogue)
- 2008
- Vilhelm Hammershøi, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 24 June 2008 - 7 September 2008, cat. no. 67, col. repr.
- 2008
- Vilhelm Hammershøi: The Poetry of Silence, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 30 September 2008 - 7 December 2008, cat. no. 73
- 2014
- Voices Calling from the Unusual: Hirano Keiichiro's Selection of Western Art Masterpieces, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 8 April 2014 - 15 June 2014, cat. no. 30
- 2020
- Vilhelm Hammershøi and Danish Painting of The 19th Century, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 21 January 2020 - 26 March 2020, cat. no. 85
- 2023
- Interior Visions: From Bonnard to Tillmans and Contemporary Artists, Pola Museum of Art, 28 January 2023 - 2 July 2023, cat. no. 5, col. repr.
- 1918
- Michaëlis, Sophus; Bramsen, Alfred. Vilhelm Hammershøi: Kunstneren og hans voerk. København, 1918, p. 109, no. 336.
- 1992
- Vad, Poul. Vilhelm Hammershøi and Danish Art at the Turn of the Century. Tindall, Kenneth, trans. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1992, pp. 316, 335, 457, pl. 212.
- 2000
- Vilhelm Hammershøi (exh. cat.). Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, 2000, pp. 140-143.
- 2008
- Hammershøi(exh.cat.). Krämer, Felix; Sato, Naoki; Fonsmark, Anne-Birgitte, eds. London/ [Paris], Royal Academy of Arts; Hazan, 2008, cat. no. 67, col. repr.
- 2010
- Annual bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 43(Apr. 2008-Mar. 2009), 2010, Naoki Sato. New Acquisitions. pp. 12-15, List of New Acquisitions. p. 45. repr.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 117, col. repr.
- 2020
- Vilhelm Hammershøi and Danish Painting of the 19th Century(exh. cat.). Tokyo, Yomiuri Shimbun, c2020, cat. no. 85, col. repr.
- 2023
- Interior Visions: From Bonnard to Tillmans and Contemporary Artists (exh.cat.). Kondo, moe; Kudo, Koji, eds. Tokyo, Kyuryudo, 2023, pp. 31, 132, 136, cat. no. 5, col. repr.