更新日 2025.03.07 | 07 March 2025
展示中 常設展 | Permanent collection

Georges de La Tour
Vic-sur-Seille, 1593 - Lunéville, 1652
聖トマス St. Thomas
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 64.6 x 53.9 |
Standard ref. | Thuillier 8 |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.2003-0002 |
東フランスのロレーヌ地方で活躍したラ・トゥールは、一度は人々の記憶から遠のき、20世紀になって再評価された画家です。蝋燭の光に照らされた神秘的な画面を多く描き「夜の画家」とも呼ばれ、現在残る真作がわずか40点にも満たないことから、しばしばオランダの画家フェルメールと比較されます。この絵に描かれているのは、キリストの十二使徒の一人で、インドへ伝道に赴き、異教の人々に槍で突かれて殉教した聖トマス。聖人は、その持物である槍(十字架上でローマ兵の槍に突かれて絶命するキリストの隠喩。キリスト復活の際にトマスはそれを疑い、脇腹の槍傷を触って確かめたことでも有名です)を手にしています。表現は一見荒々しい印象を与えますが、幾何学的に単純化された形態、克明な細部描写、洗練された光の取り扱いなどは、ラ・トゥールの真作のみに見られる特徴といえます。(出典: 展示室作品解説パネル)
Discovered in a private collection in Albi in 1987; Collection B. R., Paris;Vente Christie's no. 155, Monaco, 22 June 1991; Gallery Umeda, Osaka; Ishizuka Collection, Tokyo, September 1991; Auctioned at Christie's, London, no. 41, 10 December 1993; Purchased by the NMWA, 2004.
- 2005
- ジョルジュ・ド・ラ・トゥール: 光と闇の世界, 会場: 国立西洋美術館, 2005年3月8日-2005年5月29日, cat no. 1
- 2016
- カラヴァッジョ展, 国立西洋美術館, 2016年3月1日-2016年6月12日, cat. no. 48
- 1991
- Rosenberg, Pierre. Musée du Louvre. Nouvelles Acquisitions du départment des peintures, 1987-1900. Paris, RMN, 1991, p.80, ill.
- 1992
- Thuillier, Jacques. Georges de La Tour. Paris, Flammarion, 1992, pp. 46-57, repr., p. 283, no. 8, repr.
- 1993
- Ramade, Patrick. Grand Siécle (exh. cat.). Montréal/Rennes/Montpelier, 1993 , no. 25, fig. 2.
- 1994
- Boyer, Jean-Claude. Les Apôtres de Georges de la Tour de Paris á Albi. Actes du colloque de Vic-sur-Seille, 9-11 septembre 1993. Metz, 1994 , pp. 59-69.
- 1995
- Thuillier, Jacques. Saint Jean Baptiste dans le désert. Metz, 1995 , p. 15, ill.
- 1995
- Le Floch, Jean-Claude. Le Signe de contradiction. Essai sur Georges de La Tour et son oeuvres. Rennes, 1995, p. 66, pl. 31.
- 1996
- Cuzin, Jean-Pierre. Georges de La Tour and his World (exh. cat.). Washington/Fort Worth, 1996-1997, p. 198.
- 1996
- Cuzin. Georges de La Tour, un caravagesque suspect, Réflexion à l'occasion de l'exposition à Washington. Le Journal des Arts. Dec. 1996, p. 22.
- 1996
- Conisbee, Philip. Georges de La Tour and his World (exh. cat.). Washington/Fort Worth, 1996-1997, pp. 43-49, repr., p. 264, cat. no. 8, repr., p.206.
- 1996
- Choné, Paulette. Georges de La Tour, Un paintre lorrain au XVIIe siécle. Tournai, 1996, p. 130, ill.
- 1996
- Faggiolo dell'Arco. France in the Golden Age (exh. cat.). London, 1996, p. 94, ill.
- 1997
- Georges de La Tour (exh. cat). Cuzin, Jean-Pierre; Rosenberg, Pierre, ed. Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 3 october 1997-26 January 1998. Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1997, no. 4, col. repr.
- 1997
- Cuzin, Jean Pierre; Salmon, Dimitri. Georges de La Tour, Histoire d'une Découverte. Paris, 1997, (Découvertes Gallimard ; 329), p. 113, ill.
- 2004
- Les Apôtres de Georges de La Tour: réalités et virtualités (exh. cat). Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi, 24 April-20 June 2004. Paris: Hermann, [2004], no. 13, col. repr.
- 2004
- Cuzin, Jean-Pierre; Salmon, Dimitri. Georges de La Tour, Histoire d'une Découverte. neuv. éd., Paris, 2004, (Découvertes Gallimard ; 329), pp. 113, 126, repr.
- 2005
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 38 (Apr. 2003-Mar. 2004), 2005, 高橋明也. 新収作品. pp. 9-12, 新収作品一覧. p. 50, repr.
- 2006
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2006, no. 42, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 42, col. repr.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 32, col. repr.
- 2016
- カラヴァッジョ展:日伊国交樹立150周年記念 (exh. cat.). 川瀬佑介ほか編. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2016, pp. 216-217, 327, cat. no. 48, col. repr.

On Display
St. Thomas
Materials and Techniques | oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 64.6 x 53.9 |
Credit Line | Purchased |
Standard ref. | Thuillier 8 |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.2003-0002 |
Georges de la Tour was born in the Lorraine district of eastern France in the 17th century, and he spent his life in that district. After his death he was forgotten by history, until he was dramatically rediscovered in the 20th century. Today he is renowned as a painter worldwide. La Tour came to be known as the "night painter" given his many works showing a mystical setting lit by only the light of candles. Today only 40 some paintings are accepted as authentic works by the painter. St. Thomas, newly acquired in 2003 by the NMWA, is a painting that adorns the most recent page in the history of the rediscovery of this painter. The painting is considered a major work from La Tour's early period. It was only in 1987 that the existence of this painting became known. The painting was created in northern France as one in a series of the "Twelve Disciples of Christ", and for many years after its creation the set of paintings was placed in the cathedral in Albi. There is powerful realism in this work, including its painstaking portrayal of each and every wrinkle on the saint's face. This realism combines with a simplified composition of geometric forms created by areas highlighted by the carefully rendered daylight. This combination of characteristics is only found in authentic La Tour works. This series of paintings can be considered "day paintings" by contrast to the "night painting" examples lit solely by candlelight. Here the subject is one of Christ's twelve disciples, St. Thomas, known to have set out for distant India on his proselytizing journey, only to be martyred when spears were thrown by hostile heathens. Here Thomas is shown as a mature man with a full beard, holding his symbol, the spear. This spear alludes to the spear used by the Roman soldier to pierce Christ on the Cross. When Christ was resurrected, Thomas doubted his lord and asked to see the scar of the spear's thrust. Christ showed him the scar and he believed in Christ's resurrection. Here the doubting nature of this resolute saint is splendidly depicted in a diagonally arranged composition. (Source: Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2009, cat. no. 42)
Discovered in a private collection in Albi in 1987; Collection B. R., Paris;Vente Christie's no. 155, Monaco, 22 June 1991; Gallery Umeda, Osaka; Ishizuka Collection, Tokyo, September 1991; Auctioned at Christie's, London, no. 41, 10 December 1993; Purchased by the NMWA, 2004.
Exhibition History
- 2005
- Georges de La Tour, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 8 March 2005 - 29 May 2005, cat no. 1
- 2016
- Caravaggio and His Time: Friends, Rivals and Enemies, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 1 March 2016 - 12 June 2016, cat. no. 48
- 1991
- Rosenberg, Pierre. Musée du Louvre. Nouvelles Acquisitions du départment des peintures, 1987-1900. Paris, RMN, 1991, p.80, ill.
- 1992
- Thuillier, Jacques. Georges de La Tour. Paris, Flammarion, 1992, pp. 46-57, repr., p. 283, no. 8, repr.
- 1993
- Ramade, Patrick. Grand Siécle (exh. cat.). Montréal/Rennes/Montpelier, 1993, no. 25, fig. 2.
- 1994
- Boyer, Jean-Claude. Les Apôtres de Georges de la Tour de Paris á Albi. Actes du colloque de Vic-sur-Seille, 9-11 septembre 1993. Metz, 1994, pp. 59-69.
- 1995
- Thuillier, Jacques. Saint Jean Baptiste dans le désert. Metz, 1995 , p. 15, ill.
- 1995
- Le Floch, Jean-Claude. Le Signe de contradiction. Essai sur Georges de La Tour et son oeuvres. Rennes, 1995, p. 66, pl. 31.
- 1996
- Cuzin, Jean-Pierre. Georges de La Tour and his World (exh. cat.). Washington/Fort Worth, 1996-1997, p. 198.
- 1996
- Cuzin. Georges de La Tour, un caravagesque suspect, Réflexion à l'occasion de l'exposition à Washington. Le Journal des Arts. Dec. 1996, p. 22.
- 1996
- Conisbee, Philip. Georges de La Tour and his World (exh. cat.). Washington/Fort Worth, 1996-1997, pp. 43-49, repr., p. 264, cat. no. 8, repr., p.206.
- 1996
- Choné, Paulette. Georges de La Tour, Un paintre lorrain au XVIIe siécle. Tournai, 1996, p. 130, ill.
- 1996
- Faggiolo dell'Arco. France in the Golden Age (exh. cat.). London, 1996, p. 94, ill.
- 1997
- Georges de La Tour (exh. cat). Cuzin, Jean-Pierre; Rosenberg, Pierre, ed. Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 3 october 1997-26 January 1998. Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1997, no. 4, col. repr.
- 1997
- Cuzin, Jean Pierre; Salmon, Dimitri. Georges de La Tour, Histoire d'une Découverte. Paris, 1997, (Découvertes Gallimard ; 329), p. 113, ill.
- 2004
- Les Apôtres de Georges de La Tour: réalités et virtualités (exh. cat). Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi, 24 April-20 June 2004. Paris: Hermann, [2004], no. 13, col. repr.
- 2004
- Cuzin, Jean-Pierre; Salmon, Dimitri. Georges de La Tour, Histoire d'une Découverte. neuv. éd., Paris, 2004, (Découvertes Gallimard ; 329), pp. 113, 126, repr.
- 2005
- Annual bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 38 (Apr. 2003-Mar. 2004), 2005, Takahashi, AKiya. New Acquisitions. pp. 9-12, List of New Acquisitions. p. 50, repr.
- 2006
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2006 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 42, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 42, col. repr.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 32, col. repr.
- 2016
- Caravaggio and His Time: Friends, Rivals and Enemies: 150th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Italy (exh. cat.). Kawase, Yusuke et al., eds. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2016, pp. 216-217, 327, cat. no. 48, col. repr.