更新日 2025.03.07 | 07 March 2025
展示中 企画展示館展示室 | Special Exhibition Wing

Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)
Cento, 1591 - Bologna, 1666
ゴリアテの首を持つダヴィデ David with the Head of Goliath
制作年 | 1650年頃 |
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 120.5 x 102 |
Standard ref. | Salerno 272 |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.1998-0001 |
本作品はグエルチーノ晩年の1650年に制作された作品のなかでも、来歴の点でも、また質の点でもきわめて優れた作品のひとつである。グエルチーノが残した『勘定帳』の1650年の項に記録されている「ロドヴィーコ・フェルミ氏のために制作されたゴリアテの首を持つダヴィデ」がこの作品であり、その後パルマ公ラヌッチョ・ファルネーゼ2世のコレクションにあったことを1680年のファルネーゼ家の財産目録から知ることができる。本作品の構図は図像的にきわめて珍しく、巨人ゴリアテを倒した後のダヴィデが勝利を誇示するという歴史的に一般的な表現とは異なり、非常に落ち着いた様子で神に勝利の感謝を捧げるという内省的な構図をとっている。また背景の暗い青もこの時代のグエルチーノに特徴的で、伝統的に神あるいは天と深い結びつきをもつラピスラズリを暗い色調で用い、華々しい勝利の陰にあるダヴィデの内面の葛藤を描き出している。本作品が制作当時から人気があったことは、本作品を原画とした彼の弟子による模写が2点残されていることからも窺われる。西洋美術館が所蔵するイタリア・バロックの、ボローニャ派を代表する優れた作品である。(出典: 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2006. cat. no. 21)
Acquired from Guercino on 12 October 1650, by Lodovico Fermi of Piacenza; In the Collection of the Farnese Duke of Parma c. 1680, and subsequently inherited by the Bourbon Kings of the Two Sicilies (Naples); John Udney, Sale Christie's, 25 April 1800, lot 46; Sotheby & Co., 9 November 1927, lot 5; Private Collection, Copenhagen, until 1982; Purchased by the NMWA, 1999.
- 1983
- , Trafalgar Galleries at the Royal Academy III, London, 1983年0月0日-1983年0月0日, no. 6
- 1991
- Guercino in Britain: paintings from British collections, The National Gallery, London, 1991年6月28日-1991年7月31日, no. 26 (entry by Michael Helston and Denis Mahon)
- 1991
- Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Il Guercino, 1591-1966, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna, 1991年9月6日-1991年11月10日, no. 128 (entry by Denis Mahon)
- 1991
- Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Il Guercino, 1591-1966, Schirn-Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, 1991年12月3日-1992年2月9日, no. 69
- 1993
- , Trafalgar Galleries: XII, London, 1993年11月23日-1993年12月10日, no. 6
- 1995
- I Farnese: arte e Collezionismo, Palazzo Ducale di Colorno, Parma, 1995年3月4日-1995年5月21日, Galleria nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, 1995年9月30日-12月17日; Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1995年6月1日-8月27日, no. 110 (entry by S. Loire)
- 2007
- パルマ―イタリア美術、もう一つの都, 国立西洋美術館, 2007年5月29日-2007年8月26日, V-19
- 2009
- Tears of Eros, Casa de las Alhajas, Fundacion Caja Madrid, 2009年10月20日-2010年1月31日
- 2014
- 非日常からの呼び声:平野啓一郎が選ぶ西洋美術の名品, 国立西洋美術館, 2014年4月8日-2014年6月15日, cat. no. 22
- 2015
- グエルチーノ展 よみがえるバロックの画家, 国立西洋美術館, 2015年3月3日-2015年5月31日, cat. no. 42
- 2015
- NO MUSEUM, NO LIFE?:これからの美術館事典:国立美術館コレクションによる展覧会, 東京国立近代美術館, 2015年6月16日-2015年9月13日, cat. no. L-1
- 2016
- カラヴァッジョ展, 国立西洋美術館, 2016年3月1日-2016年6月12日, cat. no. 39
- 1678
- Malvasia, C. C. Felsina Pittrice, Vite de'Pittori Bolognesi. Bologna, 1678, p. 378.
- 1808
- Calvi, J. A. Notizie della vita e delle opere del cavaliere Gio. Francesco Barbieri detto Il Guercino da Cento. Bologna, 1808, p. 125.
- 1841
- Marvasia, C. C. Felsina Pittrice, Vite de'Pittori Bolognesi. Zanotti ed., vol. 2, Bologna, 1841, p. 331.
- 1870
- Campori, G. Raccolta di cataloghi ed inventari inediti. Modena, 1870, p. 239.
- 1983
- Trafalgar Galleries at the Royal Academy III (exh. cat.). R. Cohen, ed. Trafalgar Galleries, London, 1983, pp. 16-19, no. 6
- 1987
- Bertini, G. La Galleria del Duca di Parma. Storia di una Collezione. Bologna, 1987, p. 249, no. 303.
- 1988
- Salerno, L. I dipinti del Guercino. Rome, 1988, no. 272.
- 1991
- Stone, D. M. Guercino. Il catalogo completo. Florence, 1991, no. 259.
- 1991
- Giovannni Francesco Barbieri (exh. cat.). D. Mahon, ed. Bologna; Cento; Frankfurt am Main, Bologna, 1991, pp. 334-335, no. 128
- 1991
- Guercino in Britain: Paintings from British Collections (exh. cat.). M. Helston; T. Henry, eds. The National Gallery, London, 28 June - 31 July 1991. London, 1991, pp. 56-57, no. 26
- 1995
- I Farnese: arte e collezionismo (exh. cat.). Loire Fornari Schianchi; N. Spinosa, eds. Palazzo Ducale di Colorno, Parma, 4 March-21 May 1995; Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli, 30 September-17 December 1995; Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1 June 1-27 Augst 1995. Milano, Electa, 1995, pp. 314-317, no. 110.
- 1997
- Ghelfi, B.; Mahon, D. Il libro dei conti del Guercino 1629-1666. Bologna, 1997 , p. 149, no. 430.
- 2000
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 33 (April 1998-March 1999), 2000, 越川倫明. 新収作品. pp. 9-11, 新収作品一覧. p. 44, col. repr.
- 2006
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2006, no. 21, col. repr.
- 2007
- パルマ―イタリア美術、もう一つの都 (exh. cat.). 高梨光正; フォルナーリ・スキアンキ、ルチーア編. 国立西洋美術館, 東京, 2007年5月29日-8月26日. 東京, 読売新聞東京本社, 2007, pp. 266-267, no. V-19, Italian ed., p. 98.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. N. Sato; A. Shinfuji eds. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, p. 29, no. 21.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 36, col. repr.
- 2015
- グエルチーノ展:よみがえるバロックの画家(exh. cat.). 渡辺晋輔, 川瀬佑介, TBSテレビ編. 東京, TBSテレビ, 2015, cat. no. 42, col. repr.
- 2016
- カラヴァッジョ展:日伊国交樹立150周年記念 (exh. cat.). 川瀬佑介ほか編. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2016, pp. 178-179, 327, cat. no. 39, col. repr.
- 2017
- The paintings of Guercino: a revised and expanded catalogue raisonné. Roma, Ugo Bozzi Editore, 2017, pp. 667-668, cat. no. 377.I. repr.

On Display
Special Exhibition Wing
David with the Head of Goliath
Date | c. 1650 |
Materials and Techniques | oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 120.5 x 102 |
Credit Line | Purchased |
Standard ref. | Salerno 272 |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.1998-0001 |
This painting, created in 1650 during the artist's late period, is a superb example of Guercino's work both in terms of its quality and its provenance. This painting is recorded in the 1650 entry in Guercino's studio account book as, roughly translated, "David holding head of Goliath made for Lodovico Fermi." Later, in 1680, the work appears in the Farnese family assets records as part of the collection of Ranuccio Farnese II, then Duke of Parma. Iconographically this composition is extremely rare. Unlike most views of David, boasting of his victory after vanquishing Goliath the giant, here David is shown in a very subdued state, in an introspective moment where he thanks God for his victory. The dark blue used in the background was a color characteristic of Guercino's works at this time, and it was a darkened version of lapis lazuli, a pigment traditionally closely linked to God and heaven. The use of this pigment evokes the internal conundrum of David caused by his spectacular victory. This painting was popular from the time of its creation and there are two extant copies of the work painted by Guercino's students. This is the best example of the Bolognese school during the Italian Baroque era in the NMWA collection. (Source: Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2009, cat. no. 21)
Acquired from Guercino on 12 October 1650, by Lodovico Fermi of Piacenza; In the Collection of the Farnese Duke of Parma c. 1680, and subsequently inherited by the Bourbon Kings of the Two Sicilies (Naples); John Udney, Sale Christie's, 25 April 1800, lot 46; Sotheby & Co., 9 November 1927, lot 5; Private Collection, Copenhagen, until 1982; Purchased by the NMWA, 1999.
Exhibition History
- 1983
- , Trafalgar Galleries at the Royal Academy III, London, 0 1983 - 0 1983, no. 6
- 1991
- Guercino in Britain: paintings from British collections, The National Gallery, London, 28 June 1991 - 31 July 1991, no. 26 (entry by Michael Helston and Denis Mahon)
- 1991
- Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Il Guercino, 1591-1966, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna, 6 September 1991 - 10 November 1991, no. 128 (entry by Denis Mahon)
- 1991
- Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Il Guercino, 1591-1966, Schirn-Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, 3 December 1991 - 9 February 1992, no. 69
- 1993
- , Trafalgar Galleries: XII, London, 23 November 1993 - 10 December 1993, no. 6
- 1995
- I Farnese: arte e Collezionismo, Palazzo Ducale di Colorno, Parma, 4 March 1995 - 21 May 1995, Galleria nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, 30 September – 17 December 1995; Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1 June – 27 August, 1995, no. 110 (entry by S. Loire)
- 2007
- Parma: Italian Arts from Another Capital City, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 29 May 2007 - 26 August 2007, V-19
- 2009
- Tears of Eros, Casa de las Alhajas, Fundacion Caja Madrid, 20 October 2009 - 31 January 2010
- 2014
- Voices Calling from the Unusual: Hirano Keiichiro's Selection of Western Art Masterpieces, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 8 April 2014 - 15 June 2014, cat. no. 22
- 2015
- Guercino, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 3 March 2015 - 31 May 2015, cat. no. 42
- 2015
- NO MUSEUM, NO LIFE?: Art-Museum Encyclopedia to Come: From the Collections of the National Museums of Art, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 16 June 2015 - 13 September 2015, cat. no. L-1
- 2016
- Caravaggio and His Time: Friends, Rivals and Enemies, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 1 March 2016 - 12 June 2016, cat. no. 39
- 1678
- Malvasia, C. C. Felsina Pittrice, Vite de'Pittori Bolognesi. Bologna, 1678, p. 378.
- 1808
- Calvi, J. A. Notizie della vita e delle opere del cavaliere Gio. Francesco Barbieri detto Il Guercino da Cento. Bologna, 1808, p. 125.
- 1841
- Marvasia, C. C. Felsina Pittrice, Vite de'Pittori Bolognesi. Zanotti ed., vol. 2, Bologna, 1841, p. 331.
- 1870
- Campori, G. Raccolta di cataloghi ed inventari inediti. Modena, 1870, p. 239.
- 1983
- Trafalgar Galleries at the Royal Academy III (exh. cat.). R. Cohen, ed. Trafalgar galleries, London, 1983, pp. 16-19, no. 6
- 1987
- Bertini, G. La Galleria del Duca di Parma. Storia di una Collezione. Bologna, 1987, p. 249, no. 303.
- 1988
- Salerno, L. I dipinti del Guercino. Rome, 1988, no. 272.
- 1991
- Stone, D. M. Guercino. Il catalogo completo. Florence, 1991, no. 259.
- 1991
- Giovannni Francesco Barbieri (exh. cat.). D. Mahon, ed. Bologna; Cento; Frankfurt am Main, Bologna, 1991, pp. 334-335, no. 128.
- 1991
- Guercino in Britain: Paintings from British Collections (exh. cat.). M. Helston; T. Henry, eds. The National Gallery, London, 28 June - 31 July 1991. London, 1991, pp. 56-57, no. 26.
- 1995
- I Farnese: arte e collezionismo (exh. cat.). Loire Fornari Schianchi; N. Spinosa, eds. Palazzo Ducale di Colorno, Parma, 4 March-21 May 1995; Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte, Napoli, 30 September-17 December 1995; Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1 June 1-27 Augst 1995. Milano, Electa, 1995, pp. 314-317, no. 110.
- 1997
- Ghelfi, B.; Mahon, D. Il libro dei conti del Guercino 1629-1666. Bologna, 1997 , p. 149, no. 430.
- 2000
- Annual Bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 33 (April 1998-March 1999), 2000, Koshikawa, Michiaki. New Acquisitions. pp. 9-11, List of New Acquisitions. p. 48, col. repr.
- 2006
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2006 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 21, col. repr.
- 2007
- Parma: grazia e affetti, natura e artificio. Protagonisti dell'arte da Correggio a Lanfranco (exh. cat.). Takanashi, Mitsumasa; Fornari Schianchi, Lucia, eds. The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 29 May-26 August 2007. Tokyo, The Yomiuri Shimbun, 2007, pp. 266-267, no. V-19, Italian ed., p. 98.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. N. Sato; A. Shinfuji eds. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, p. 29, no. 21.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 36, col. repr.
- 2015
- Guercino(exh. cat.). Watanabe, Sinsuke; Kawase, Yusuke; Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, eds. Tokyo, Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, 2015, cat. no. 42, col. repr.
- 2016
- Caravaggio and His Time: Friends, Rivals and Enemies: 150th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Italy (exh. cat.). Kawase, Yusuke et al., eds. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2016, pp. 178-179, 327, cat. no. 39, col. repr.
- 2017
- The paintings of Guercino: a revised and expanded catalogue raisonné. Roma, Ugo Bozzi Editore, 2017, pp. 667-668, cat. no. 377.I. repr.