更新日 2025.03.07 | 07 March 2025
展示中 常設展 | Permanent collection
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
London, 1828 - Birchington on Sea, 1882
愛の杯 The Loving Cup
制作年 | 1867年 |
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、板 |
寸法(cm) | 66 x 45.7 |
署名・年記 | 左下に署名(モノグラム)、年記: DGR 1867; 額に題名: THE LOVING CUP; 額に銘文: Douce nuit et joyeux jour / A chevalier de bel amour. |
所蔵経緯 | 旧松方コレクション |
Standard ref. | Surtees 201; M942 |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.1984-0005 |
ロセッティは、英国ヴィクトリア朝の画家、詩人です。ラファエロ以前の素朴な芸術に立ち返ることを目指し、「ラファエル前派」を結成しました。本作では、女性が金色の「愛の杯」を掲げています。背景には、旧約聖書の物語を表す4枚の真鍮の皿と、忠誠や永遠を象徴する蔦の葉が見られます。額縁の銘文には「甘き夜、楽しき昼/美しき愛の戦士へ」とあり、この女性は、戦いへおもむく恋人のために乾杯しているのかもしれません。(出典: 展示室作品解説パネル)
Frederick Richards Leyland; his sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 28 May 1892 (Lugt 50880), lot 58; T. H. Ismay, ca. 1908; Mrs. Chandos-Pole-Gell, 1923; Thomas Agnew & Sons, London [gallery label on the reverse]; W. Lawson Peacock & Co., London [gallery label on the reverse]; Kojiro Matsukata, Kobe; pledged by Matsukata to save his business, Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd., Kobe and then seized by Jugo Bank, Tokyo, 1927, no. 8 [Jugo Bank label on the reverse]; Kyūzaemon Wada (和田久左衛門), Kobe, 1927; Chichibu Shōkai, Co., Ltd., Tokyo(株式会社秩父商会、東京), 1971; purchased by NMWA, 1984.
- 1883
- Exhibition of works by the old masters, and by deccased masters of the British school, including a special selection from the work of John Linnell and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1883年0月0日-1883年0月0日, cat. no. 299
- 1989
- 松方コレクション展:いま甦る夢の美術館―神戸市制100周年記念特別展, 神戸市立博物館, 1989年9月14日-1989年11月26日, cat. no. 71, col. repr.
- 1990
- ロセッティ, Bunkamuraザ・ミュージアム, 1990年9月22日-1990年11月14日, cat. no. 44, col. repr.
- 1995
- [子どものための美術展] 描かれたふしぎな世界を旅する, 国立西洋美術館, 1995年7月11日-1995年9月10日
- 2014
- 橋本コレクション 指輪 神々の時代から現代まで ― 時を超える輝き, 国立西洋美術館 企画展示室, 2014年7月8日-2014年9月15日, cat. no. 247
- 2019
- 松方コレクション展:国立西洋美術館開館60周年記念, 国立西洋美術館, 2019年6月11日-2019年9月23日, cat. no. 22, col. repr.
- 2020
- 特集展示 松方コレクションとイギリス美術, 国立西洋美術館 新館 1 階, 2020年1月31日-2020年10月18日
- 1882
- Sharp, William. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1882, pp. 191-192.
- 1887
- Knight, Joseph. Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1887, p. xiv, no. 232.
- 1894
- Stephens, Frederick G. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1894, p. 70.
- 1899
- Marillier, Henry C. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: An Illustrated Memorial of His Art and Life. London, 1899, pp. 147-148, no. 190, repr.
- 1923
- Masterpieces of Rossetti. London; Glasgow, 1923, p. 41.
- 1971
- Surtees, Virginia. The Paintings and Drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882): A Catalogue Raisonné. 2 vols., Oxford, 1971, no. 201 ("believed to have been lost in the Second World War").
- 1973
- Henderson, Marnia. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1973, p. 73 (as destroyed in the Second World War).
- 1976
- Casteras, Susan P. The Double Vision in Portraiture. D. G. Rossetti and Double Work of Art (exh. cat.). Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, 23 September - 14 November 1976, [New Haven], 1976, p. 18.
- 1978
- Smith, Sarah Hamilton Phelps. Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Flower Imagery and the Meaning of His Paintings. University of Pittsburg, 1978, Dissertation , p. 105 (on subject matter and inscription).
- 1988
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 19 (1984), 1988 , 雪山行二. 新収作品解説. pp. 11-15, 新収作品目録. pp. 30-32, repr.
- 1989
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1989, no. 83, repr.
- 1989
- 松方コレクション展:いま甦る夢の美術館―神戸市制100周年記念特別展 (exh. cat.). 神戸市立博物館編. [神戸], 「松方コレクション展」実行委員会, 1989, pp. 54, 175, cat. no. 71, col. repr.
- 1990
- 国立西洋美術館新収蔵絵画目録: 昭和54年-平成元年. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1990, pp. 58-60, repr.
- 1990
- ロセッティ展 (exh. cat.). 河村錠一郎監修. 東京, 東京新聞, 1990, pp. 92, 94-95, cat. no. 44, col. repr.
- 1990
- 神戸市立博物館編. 松方コレクション西洋美術総目録. 神戸, 「松方コレクション展」実行委員会, 1990, cat. no. 1331.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 91, col. repr.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 97, col. repr.
- 2014
- ザ・ビューティフル:英国の唯美主義1860-1900(exh. cat.). [東京], 朝日新聞社, c2014, cat. no. 7, col. repr.
- 2018
- 松方コレクション:西洋美術全作品. 川口雅子; 陳岡めぐみ編. 第1巻 絵画, 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2018, cat. no. 942, col. repr.
- 2019
- 松方コレクション展:国立西洋美術館開館60周年記念 (exh. cat.). 陳岡めぐみ責任編集. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 読売新聞東京本社; NHK; NHKプロモーション, 2019, pp. 84, 89, 353, cat. no. 22, col. repr.
The Loving Cup
Date | 1867 |
Materials and Techniques | oil on panel |
Size(cm) | 66 x 45.7 |
Inscriptions | Monogrammed and dated lower left: DGR 1867; titled and inscribed on the frame (top): THE LOVING CUP; (bottom): Douce nuit et joyeux jour / A chevalier de bel amour. |
Credit Line | Ex-Matsukata Collection |
Standard ref. | Surtees 201; M942 |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.1984-0005 |
A British Victorian-era painter and poet, Dante Gabriel Rossetti formed the pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood seeking to recapture the naïve approach to art of the time before Raphael. The painting shows a woman raising a golden “loving cup”. Behind her are four brass plates depicting scenes from the Bible and ivy leaves symbolizing loyalty and eternity. The inscription on the frame, “Douce nuit et joyeux jour/A chevalier de bel amour”(“Sweet night and happy days./To the well-loved knight”), suggests she may be offering a toast to her lover on his way to war. (Source: Gallery label, October 2016)
Frederick Richards Leyland; his sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 28 May 1892 (Lugt 50880), lot 58; T. H. Ismay, ca. 1908; Mrs. Chandos-Pole-Gell, 1923; Thomas Agnew & Sons, London [gallery label on the reverse]; W. Lawson Peacock & Co., London [gallery label on the reverse]; Kojiro Matsukata, Kobe; pledged by Matsukata to save his business, Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd., Kobe and then seized by Jugo Bank, Tokyo, 1927, no. 8 [Jugo Bank label on the reverse]; Kyūzaemon Wada, Kobe, 1927; Chichibu Shōkai, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1971; purchased by NMWA, 1984.
Exhibition History
- 1883
- Exhibition of works by the old masters, and by deccased masters of the British school, including a special selection from the work of John Linnell and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 0 1883 - 0 1883, cat. no. 299
- 1989
- The Old Matsukata Collection, Kobe City Museum, 14 September 1989 - 26 November 1989, cat. no. 71, col. repr.
- 1990
- Rossetti, Bunkamura Museum of Art, Tokyo, 22 September 1990 - 14 November 1990, cat. no. 44, col. repr.
- 1995
- [Exhibition for Children] Exploring Mysterious Painted World, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 11 July 1995 - 10 September 1995
- 2014
- The Rings from The Hashimoto Collection of The National Museum of Western Art, The National Museum of Western Art, 8 July 2014 - 15 September 2014, cat. no. 247
- 2019
- The Matsukata Collection: A One-Hundred-Year Odyssey: Upon the 60th Anniversary of the NMWA, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 11 June 2019 - 23 September 2019, cat. no. 22, col. repr.
- 2020
- Matsukata Collection and English Art, The National Museum of Western Art, 31 January 2020 - 18 October 2020
- 1882
- Sharp, William. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1882, pp. 191-192.
- 1887
- Knight, Joseph. Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1887, p. xiv, no. 232.
- 1894
- Stephens, Frederick G. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1894, p. 70.
- 1899
- Marillier, Henry C. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: An Illustrated Memorial of His Art and Life. London, 1899, pp. 147-148, no. 190, repr.
- 1923
- Masterpieces of Rossetti. London; Glasgow, 1923, p. 41.
- 1971
- Surtees, Virginia. The Paintings and Drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882): A Catalogue Raisonné. 2 vols., Oxford, 1971, no. 201 ("believed to have been lost in the Second World War").
- 1973
- Henderson, Marina. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, 1973, p. 73 (as destroyed in the Second World War).
- 1976
- Casteras, Susan P. The Double Vision in Portraiture. D. G. Rossetti and Double Work of Art (exh. cat.). Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, 23 September - 14 November 1976, [New Haven], 1976, p. 18.
- 1978
- Smith, Sarah Hamilton Phelps. Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Flower Imagery and the Meaning of His Paintings. University of Pittsburg, 1978, Dissertation, p. 105 (on subject matter and inscription).
- 1988
- Annual bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 19 (1984), 1988 , Yukiyama, Koji. New Acquisitions 1984. pp. 11-15, Catalogue of the New Acquisitions 1984. pp. 30-32, repr.
- 1989
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1989 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 83, repr.
- 1989
- The Old Matsukata Collection (exh. cat.). Kobe City Museum, ed. [Kobe], "Matsukata Collection Ten" Jikkoiinkai, 1989, pp. 54, 175, cat. no. 71, col. repr.
- 1990
- Catalogue of painting acquisitions: 1979-1989. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1990, pp. 58-60, repr.
- 1990
- Rossetti Ten (exh. cat.). Kawamura Joichiro. Tokyo, Tokyo Shimbun, 1990, pp. 92, 94-95, cat. no. 44, col. repr.
- 1990
- The Old Matsukata Collection (exh.cat.). Kobe City Museum, ed. Kobe,"Matsukata Korekushon Ten" Jikkoiinkai, 1990, cat. no. 1331.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 91, col. repr.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 97, col. repr.
- 2014
- Art for Artʼs Sake: the Aesthetic Movement 1860-1900(exh. cat.). [Tokyo], Asahi Shimbunsha, c2014, cat. no. 7, col. repr.
- 2018
- The Matsukata Collection: Complete Catalogue of the European Art. Kawaguchi, Masako; Jingaoka, Megumi, eds. vol. 1: Paintings, Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2018, cat. no. 942, col. repr.
- 2019
- The Matsukata Collection: A One-Hundred-Year Odyssey (exh. cat.). Jingaoka, Megumi, ed. Tokyo, The National Museum of the Western Art, Tokyo; Yomiuri Shimbun; NHK; NHK Promotions, 2019, pp. 84, 89, 353, cat. no. 22, col. repr.