更新日 2025.03.07 | 07 March 2025
展示中 常設展 | Permanent collection

Philippe de Champaigne
Brussels, 1602 - Paris, 1674
マグダラのマリア Mary Magdalene
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 72.5 x 59 |
Standard ref. | Dorival 2048 |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.1975-0006 |
マグダラのマリアはもとは娼婦であったが、キリストの教えによって悔悛し、キリストの体に香油を塗り、その足を自分の髪で拭き、またキリストが十字架にかけられた時はその傍らにいたという女性で、特にバロックの時代には好んで絵画の主題に採用された。シャンパーニュは1648年と57年にも同主題の絵を描いているが、この最晩年の作と推定される《マグダラのマリア》では、人物は完全なプロフィールとなり、一心に祈りを唱えるかのように口を半ば開き、その敬虔なまなざしは天に向けられている。 魅惑的な存在感をあふれさせる聖女の姿は、シャンパーニュ特有の厳格さと節制によって暗い画面の上に浮彫にされているが、そこにはジャンセニスム的な厳しい精神性の中にもフランス宮廷画家の作品にふさわしい優雅さが感じられる。手前の岩の上には、彼女の象徴的持ち物である香油壷のほか、聖書と十字架が置かれ、右後方には極めて自然主義的に描かれた風景が見られる。なお、本作品はルイ14世の宰相を務めたコルベールのコレクションから出たものと推定されている。(出典: 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2006. cat. no. 43)
Jean-Baptiste Colbert; Auc. Etienne Le Sueur, Paris, 22. 11. 1791 (A. J. Paillet, Catalogue de tableaux des trois écoles, gouaches, dessins et estampes, composant le cabinet de M. Le Sueur, peintre, Paris, 1791, no. 17); Probably auc., Paris, 19. 7. 1802, lot no. 289; Auc. Caillard, Paris, 3. 5. 1830, lot no. 18; Auc. Dowa, Cambrai, 28. 4. 1873, lot no. 5; Heim, London; Purchased by the NMWA, 1976.
- 1974
- Religious and Biblical Themes in French Baroque Painting, Heim Gallery, London, 1974年5月29日-1974年8月30日, cat. no. 4, repr.
- 1997
- 国立西洋美術館展─愛と生命の響き: ルネサンスから近代への西洋美術の流れ, 新潟県立近代美術館, 1997年4月12日-1997年5月18日, cat. no. 4
- 1884
- Bonnaffé, Edmond. Dictionnaire des amateurs français au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Quantin, 1884, p. 349.
- 1976
- Dorival, Bernard. Philippe de Champaigne 1602-1674: la vie, l'œuvre, et le catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre. vol. 2, Paris, Léonce Laget, 1976, pp. 386-387, no. 2048, repr. p. 517, pl. 2048.
- 1977
- Gazette des Beaux-Arts. ser. 6, tome 89, Mar. 1977, "Chronique des Arts", p. 79, no. 347, repr.
- 1977
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 10 (1975), 1977, 山田智三郎. [作品解説]. pp. 4-5. 新収作品目録. pp. 10-11. repr.
- 1978
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1978, no. 18, repr.
- 1979
- 国立西洋美術館総目録: 絵画篇. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1979, no. 38, repr.
- 2006
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2006, no. 43, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 43, col. repr.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 55, col. repr.

On Display
Mary Magdalene
Materials and Techniques | oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 72.5 x 59 |
Credit Line | Purchased |
Standard ref. | Dorival 2048 |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.1975-0006 |
Originally a prostitute, Mary Magdalene was converted by Christ's teachings. She was known to have anointed Christ's body with unguents, and dried his feet with her own hair. She also stayed close by Christ during the Crucifixion. Mary Magdalene was a particularly popular painting theme during the Baroque period. Champaigne depicted the same theme in two other works, one dated 1648 and the other 1657. This work from Champaigne's last years shows the figure of Mary Magdalene in complete profile, with her mouth partially open in prayer as she turns in devoted reverence towards Heaven. The strong sense of the Magdalene's form, which seems to float in relief above the dark surface of Champaigne's typically strict and moderately formed composition, shows the appropriateness of this work by a French court painter working under the strict spirituality of Jansenism. In addition to the Magdalene's symbol, the unguent pot, a Bible and cross are placed in the right foreground, and a particularly realistic landscape is shown in the right background. This work is thought to have been in the collection of Colbert, councilor to Louis XIV. (Source: Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2009, cat. no.43)
Jean-Baptiste Colbert; Auc. Etienne Le Sueur, Paris, 22. 11. 1791 (A. J. Paillet, Catalogue de tableaux des trois écoles, gouaches, dessins et estampes, composant le cabinet de M. Le Sueur, peintre, Paris, 1791, no. 17); Probably auc., Paris, 19. 7. 1802, lot no. 289; Auc. Caillard, Paris, 3. 5. 1830, lot no. 18; Auc. Dowa, Cambrai, 28. 4. 1873, lot no. 5; Heim, London; Purchased by the NMWA, 1976.
Exhibition History
- 1974
- Religious and Biblical Themes in French Baroque Painting, Heim Gallery, London, 29 May 1974 - 30 August 1974, cat. no. 4, repr.
- 1997
- Resonating Love and Life: European Art from National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, The Niigata Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Nagaoka, 12 April 1997 - 18 May 1997, cat. no. 4
- 1884
- Bonnaffé, Edmond. Dictionnaire des amateurs français au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Quantin, 1884, p. 349.
- 1976
- Dorival, Bernard. Philippe de Champaigne 1602-1674: la vie, l'œuvre, et le catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre. vol. 2, Paris, Léonce Laget, 1976, pp. 386-387, no. 2048, repr. p. 517, pl. 2048.
- 1977
- Gazette des Beaux-Arts. ser. 6, tome 89, Mar. 1977, "Chronique des Arts", p. 79, no. 347, repr.
- 1977
- Bulletin Annuel du Musée National d’Art Occidental, No. 10 (1975), 1977, Nouvelles acquisitions, par Chisaburoh F. Yamada, pp. 4-5. Nouvelles acquisitions (catalogue). pp. 10-11. repr.
- 1978
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1978 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 18, repr.
- 1979
- The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo: Catalogue of paintings. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1979, no. 38, repr.
- 2006
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2006 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 43, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 43, col. repr.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 55, col. repr.