更新日 2024.12.26 | 26 December 2024
ゲオルク・リュクスナー『トーナメント書』零葉 A leaf from the Book of Georg Rüxner, Thurnierbuch (Tournament Book), or Anfang: ursprung: unnd herkommen des thurnirs in Teutscher nation. recto: (fol. 29r) The opening to the first tournament, in Magdeburg. verso: (fol. 29v) On the first tournament in Magdeburg. recto: court of arms of Magdeburg
制作地 | ドイツ、ジンメルン、ヒエロニムス・ロートラー印行 |
制作年 | 1530年 |
材質・技法・形状 | 木版・手彩色、紙 |
寸法(cm) | 30.5 x 20.4 |
所蔵経緯 | 内藤コレクション |
分類 | 書籍 |
所蔵番号 | L.2015-0076 |
A leaf from the Book of Georg Rüxner, Thurnierbuch (Tournament Book), or Anfang: ursprung: unnd herkommen des thurnirs in Teutscher nation. recto: (fol. 29r) The opening to the first tournament, in Magdeburg. verso: (fol. 29v) On the first tournament in Magdeburg. recto: court of arms of Magdeburg
Place | Simmern, Germany, printed by Hieronymus Rodler |
Date | 31 October, 1530 |
Materials and Techniques | Woodcut and hand-coloring on paper |
Size(cm) | 30.5 x 20.4 |
Credit Line | Naitō Collection |
Category | Books |
Collection Number | L.2015-0076 |