更新日 2023.12.11 | 11 December 2023
メメント・モリ Memento Mori
制作年 | 17世紀 |
材質・技法・形状 | 木版、簀目紙 |
寸法(cm) | 30.5 x 21.0(画寸); 32.1 x 22.1(紙寸) |
分類 | 版画 |
所蔵番号 | G.2020-0163 |
Purchased by NMWA, 1 March 2021.
- 2023
- スペインのイメージ : 版画を通じて写し伝わるすがた, 長崎県美術館, 2023年4月8日-2023年6月11日, 国立西洋美術館, 7月4日-9月3日, pp. 134, 247-248, cat. no. 5-1
- 1981
- Estampas: Cinco Siglos de Imagen Impresa (exh. cat.). Carrete Parrondo, Juan; Fernández Delgado, Javier; Vega Gonzáles, Jesusa eds. Salas del Palacio de Bibliotecas y Museos, Madrid, December 1981-February 1982. Madrid, Min. De Cultura, 1981, p. 57, cat. no. 41.
- 1987
- Carrete Parrondo, Juan; Checa Cremades, Fernando; Bozal, Valeriano. El Grabado en España (Siglo XV al XVIII). Madrid, 1987 (Summa Artis, Historia General del Arte, vol. 31), p. 243, cat. no. 289.
- 2004
- La Danse des Morts: Citipati de l’Himalaya, Danses macabres et Vanités de l’Occident (exh. cat.). Le Toit du Monde, Paris, 15 September-13 November 2004. Paris, 2004, p. 102, cat. no. 58.
- 2022
- 国立西洋美術館報. No. 55 (Apr. 2020-Mar. 2021), 2022, 新収作品一覧. p. 21.
- 2023
- スペインのイメージ : 版画を通じて写し伝わるすがた (exh. cat.). 川瀬佑介; 稲葉友汰; 中田明日佳ほか編. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2023, pp. 134, 247-248, cat. no. 5-1, col. repr.
Currently not on display
Memento Mori
Date | 17th century |
Materials and Techniques | Woodcut on laid paper |
Size(cm) | 30.5 x 21.0 (image); 32.1 x 22.1 (paper) |
Category | Prints |
Collection Number | G.2020-0163 |
Purchased by NMWA, 1 March 2021.
Exhibition History
- 2023
- Imaged and Imagined: Spain Seen through Prints from Japanese Collections, Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, 8 April 2023 - 11 June 2023, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 4 July-3 September, pp. 134, 247-248, cat. no. 5-1
- 1981
- Estampas: Cinco Siglos de Imagen Impresa (exh. cat.). Carrete Parrondo, Juan; Fernández Delgado, Javier; Vega Gonzáles, Jesusa eds. Salas del Palacio de Bibliotecas y Museos, Madrid, December 1981-February 1982. Madrid, Min. De Cultura, 1981, p. 57, cat. no. 41.
- 1987
- Carrete Parrondo, Juan; Checa Cremades, Fernando; Bozal, Valeriano. El Grabado en España (Siglo XV al XVIII). Madrid, 1987 (Summa Artis, Historia General del Arte, vol. 31), p. 243, cat. no. 289.
- 2004
- La Danse des Morts: Citipati de l’Himalaya, Danses macabres et Vanités de l’Occident (exh. cat.). Le Toit du Monde, Paris, 15 September-13 November 2004. Paris, 2004, p. 102, cat. no. 58.
- 2022
- Annual Bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 55 (Apr. 2020-Mar. 2021), 2022, List of New Acquisitions. p. 21.
- 2023
- Imaged and Imagined: Spain Seen through Prints from Japanese Collections (exh. cat.). Kawase, Yusuke; Inaba, Yuta; Nakada, Asuka et al., eds. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2023, pp. 134, 247-248, cat. no. 5-1, col. repr.