更新日 2025.03.07 | 07 March 2025
展示中 常設展 | Permanent collection

Édouard Manet
Paris, 1832 - Paris, 1883
ブラン氏の肖像 Portrait of Monsieur Brun
制作年 | 1879年頃 |
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、カンヴァス |
寸法(cm) | 194.3 x 126 |
所蔵経緯 | 松方幸次郎氏御遺族より寄贈(旧松方コレクション) |
Standard ref. | Jamot 369; Rouart 326; M688 |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.1984-0002 |
19世紀フランスの画家マネは、同時代のパリに生きる人々の「今」を描き、近代絵画の道を切り拓きました。印象派の画家たちは彼を範と仰ぎました。グレーのシルクハットに青紫の夏服を粋に着こなし、小道でポーズをとるブラン氏。マネらしい現代性にあふれた作品で、晩年に印象派の画家たちから影響を受けた明るい自然光の表現が顕著です。この肖像画は結局、ブラン氏の手元には渡らず、マネの死後、ドガが入手しています。(出典: 展示室作品解説パネル)
Suzanne Manet, as ‘Homme en chapeau et pantalon blanc’; purchased from Manet by Ambroise Vollard, Paris, 1894; Edgar Degas, Paris; his sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 26–27 March 1918, lot 73, as ‘Portrait de M. X.’ (Fr. 31,000); acquired at that sale by Trotti; Wilhelm Hansen, Ordrupgaard, near Copenhagen, 1918; purchased from Hansen by Kojiro Matsukata, Kobe, through Galerie Barbazanges, Paris, 1923, as ‘Monsieur Brun’ (Fr. 80,000) [see records in Bibliothèque centrale des musées nationaux, Paris (copy in NMWA curatorial file)]; inherited by his family; deposited in Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo, 13 March 1953–6 April 1984; donated by the heirs of Kojiro Matsukata to NMWA, 1984.
- 1880
- Œuvres nouevelle d'Edouard Manet, La Vie Moderne, Paris, 1880年4月8日-1880年4月30日, cat. no. 7
- 1922
- Föreningen Frank Konst, Stockholm, 1922年0月0日-1922年0月0日, Copenhagen; Oslo, cat. no. 19
- 1952
- Cent portraits d'hommes du XIVe siècle à nos jours, Charpentier, Paris, 1952年0月0日-1952年0月0日, cat. no. 61b
- 1953
- 旧松方コレクション展, ブリヂストン美術館, 1953年0月0日-1953年0月0日, cat. no. 33
- 1955
- 第2回旧松方コレクション展, ブリヂストン美術館, 1955年0月0日-1955年0月0日, cat. no. 35
- 1989
- Manet, Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen, 1989年9月15日-1989年11月26日, cat. no. 34, col. repr.
- 2002
- マネと印象派の画家たち, 州立シュトゥットガルト美術館, 2002年11月21日-2003年2月9日, cat. no. 61, col. repr.
- 2010
- マネとモダン・パリ, 三菱一号館美術館, 2010年4月6日-2010年7月25日, cat. no. III-96, col. repr.
- 2012
- Manet: Portraying Life, Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, 2012年10月4日-2013年1月1日, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 26 January - 14 April 2013, cat. no. 38, col. repr.
- 2013
- モネ、風景をみる眼:19世紀フランス風景画の革新, 国立西洋美術館, 2013年12月7日-2014年3月9日
- 2017
- Edouard Manet, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, 2017年10月24日-2018年2月25日, [n. n.]
- 2019
- 松方コレクション展:国立西洋美術館開館60周年記念, 国立西洋美術館, 2019年6月11日-2019年9月23日, cat. no. 131, col. repr.
- 2022
- Renoir—Monet—Gauguin: Images of a Floating World: the Collections of Kōjirō Matsukata and Karl Ernst Osthaus, Museum Folkwang, 2022年2月6日-2022年5月15日
- 2022
- 自然と人のダイアローグ フリードリヒ、モネ、ゴッホからリヒターまで:国立西洋美術館リニューアルオープン記念, 国立西洋美術館, 2022年6月4日-2022年9月11日, cat. no. 16
- 1902
- Duret, Théodore. Histoire d'Edouard Manet et de son œuvre avec un catalogue des peintures et des pastels. Paris, 1902, no. 260.
- 1918
- Madsen, Karl. Malerisamlingen Ordrupgaard: Wilhelm Hansens Samling: Malerier, Akvareller, Pasteller, Tegninger af franske Kunstnere, Copenhagen, 1918, p. 28, no. 65.
- 1918
- Catalogue des tableaux modernes et anciens; aquarelles, pastels, dessins; collection de Edgar Degas (cat. vente). Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 1918 , p. 23, no. 73.
- 1919
- Duret, Théodore. Histoire d'Édouard Manet et de son oeuvre avec un catalogue des peintures et des pastels. Paris, Bernheim-Jeune & cie, 1919, p. 274, no. 260.
- 1926
- Moreau-Nélaton, Étienne. Manet raconté par lui-même. vol. 2, Paris, 1926, pp. 67-68, fig. 268, repr.
- 1931
- Tabarant, Adolphe. Manet: Histoire catalographique. Paris, 1931, no. 305.
- 1932
- Jamot, Paul; Wildenstein, Georges. Manet. Paris, 1932, p. 165, no. 369, fig. 141, repr.
- 1947
- Tabarant, Adolphe. Manet et ses œuvres. 5e éd, Paris, Gallimard, 1947, pp. 365-366, 542, 613, no. 334, repr.
- 1948
- Vollard, Ambroise. Souvenirs d'un Marchant de Tableaux. Paris, Albin Michel, 1948, p. 77.
- 1953
- 世界美術全集(23). 東京, 平凡社, 1953, pl. 8.
- 1958
- Dorival, Bernard. Un musée japonais d'art français. Connaissance des Arts. no.81, Nov. 1958, pp. 62-63, repr.
- 1959
- 世界文化史大系(10). 東京. 角川書店, 1959, pl. 4.
- 1959
- ブリヂストン美術館 増築新装記念画集. 東京, 1959, p. 2, no. 26, repr.
- 1961
- 世界美術全集. 第36巻, 東京, 角川書店, 1961, pl. 9.
- 1965
- ブリヂストン美術館. 東京, 1965, no. 19, repr.
- 1967
- Venturi, Marcello; Orienti, Sandra. L'opera pittorica di Edouard Manet. Milano, 1967, p. 111, no. 286, repr.
- 1967
- 宇佐美英治. 世界美術全集(10):マネ、モネ、ドガ. 東京, 河出書房, 1967, pl. 14.
- 1968
- 向井潤吉. 世界美術全集(7):マネ、モネ. 東京, 山田書院, 1968, pl. 11.
- 1970
- Rouart, Denis; Orienti, Sandra. Tout l'œuvre peint d'Edouard Manet. Paris, 1970, no. 286, repr.
- 1971
- 高階秀爾. 近代の美術(2):松方コレクション. 東京, 至文堂, 1971, pl. 4.
- 1971
- Kamon, Yasuo. Masterpieces of Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo. Connoisseur. Feb. 1971, p. 85.
- 1971
- 佐々木英也. 日本所在のマネ作品. 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 4 (1969), 1971, pp. 27-28, repr.
- 1973
- Leary, R. H. Japanese and French Paintings in the Bridgestone Museum of Art. Arts of Asia. Jul-Aug, 1973, p. 35.
- 1975
- 池上忠治編. リッツォーリ版世界美術全集(13):マネ. 東京, 集英社, 1975, no. 286, repr.
- 1975
- Rouart, Denis; Wildenstein, Daniel. Edouard Manet: Catalogue raisonné. tome 1 (peintures), Lausanne; Paris, 1975 (Bibliothèque des arts), no. 326, repr.
- 1977
- ブリヂストン美術館. 東京, 1977, no. 22, repr.
- 1978
- Monneret, Sophie. L'impressionisme et son époque. Paris, 1978, pp. 39, 135, 266.
- 1980
- ヴォラール、アンブロワーズ. 画商の思い出. 小山敬三訳, 東京, 美術公論社, 1980, p. 89.
- 1988
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 19 (1984), 1988 , 高橋明也. 新収作品解説. pp. 26-27, 新収作品目録. pp. 96-98, repr.
- 1989
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1989, no. 56, repr.
- 1989
- Manet (exh. cat.). Wivel, Mikael; Bareau, Juliet Wilson; Finsen, Hanne. København, Ordrupgaard, 1989, pp. 128-129, cat. no. 34, col. repr.
- 1989
- Asmussen, Marianne Wirenfeldt. Wilhelm Hansens oprindelige samling af fransk kunst på Ordrupgaard. Copenhagen, 1989, no. 65.
- 1990
- 神戸市立博物館編. 松方コレクション西洋美術総目録. 神戸, 「松方コレクション展」実行委員会, 1990, cat. no. 979.
- 1990
- 国立西洋美術館新収蔵絵画目録: 昭和54年-平成元年. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1990, pp. 46-48, repr.
- 2002
- Edouard Manet und die Impressionisten (exh.cat.). Conzen, Ina; Buschhoff, Petra; Elvers-Švamberk, Kathrin; Kohlheyer, Susanne; Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2002, pp. 144-146, cat. no. Abb. 175, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 67, col. repr.
- 2010
- マネとモダン・パリ(exh. cat.). [東京], 三菱一号館美術館: 読売新聞社: NHK: NHKプロモーション, c2010, cat. no. III-96, col. repr.
- 2012
- Manet: Portraying Life(exh. cat.). Toledo, Toledo Museum of Art; London, Royal Academy of Arts, c2012, cat. no. 38, col. repr.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 85, col. repr.
- 2017
- Edouard Manet (exh. cat.). Finckh, Gerhard. Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum, 2017, p. 271, col. repr.
- 2018
- 松方コレクション:西洋美術全作品. 川口雅子; 陳岡めぐみ編. 第1巻 絵画, 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2018, cat. no. 688, col. repr.
- 2019
- 松方コレクション展:国立西洋美術館開館60周年記念 (exh. cat.). 陳岡めぐみ責任編集. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 読売新聞東京本社; NHK; NHKプロモーション, 2019, pp. 224, 226-227, 371, cat. no. 131, col. repr.
- 2022
- Renoir—Monet—Gauguin: Images of a Floating World: the Collections of Kōjirō Matsukata and Karl Ernst Osthaus (exh.cat.). Engel, Nadine; Herlemann, Rebecca, eds. Berlin, Hatje Cantz, [2022], pp. 220, 366, col. repr.
- 2022
- 自然と人のダイアローグ:フリードリヒ、モネ、ゴッホからリヒターまで (exh. cat.). 陳岡めぐみ; 新藤淳; 読売新聞東京本社事業局ミュージアム事業部編集. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 読売新聞社; NHK; NHKプロモーション, 2022, pp. 80, 255, cat. no. 16, col. repr.

On Display
Portrait of Monsieur Brun
Date | c. 1879 |
Materials and Techniques | oil on canvas |
Size(cm) | 194.3 x 126 |
Credit Line | Donated by the heirs of Mr. Kojiro Matsukata (ex-Matsukata Collection) |
Standard ref. | Jamot 369; Rouart 326; M688 |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.1984-0002 |
The nineteenth century’s Edouard Manet broke new ground for modern painting with works depicting the “now” of contemporary Paris life. A stylish gentleman strikes a pose on a garden path, his summer attire set off by a top hat and heather-weave coat. This is a thoroughly modern image, infused with bright natural light――a recent influence of the Impressionists. After Manet’s death, the portrait came into the hands of Edgar Degas, alas, the eponymous Monsieur Brun never owned it. (Source: Gallery label, October 2016)
Suzanne Manet, as ‘Homme en chapeau et pantalon blanc’; purchased from Manet by Ambroise Vollard, Paris, 1894; Edgar Degas, Paris; his sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 26–27 March 1918, lot 73, as ‘Portrait de M. X.’ (Fr. 31,000); acquired at that sale by Trotti; Wilhelm Hansen, Ordrupgaard, near Copenhagen, 1918; purchased from Hansen by Kojiro Matsukata, Kobe, through Galerie Barbazanges, Paris, 1923, as ‘Monsieur Brun’ (Fr. 80,000) [see records in Bibliothèque centrale des musées nationaux, Paris (copy in NMWA curatorial file)]; inherited by his family; deposited in Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo, 13 March 1953–6 April 1984; donated by the heirs of Kojiro Matsukata to NMWA, 1984.
Exhibition History
- 1880
- Œuvres nouevelle d'Edouard Manet, La Vie Moderne, Paris, 8 April 1880 - 30 April 1880, cat. no. 7
- 1922
- Föreningen Frank Konst, Stockholm, 0 1922 - 0 1922, Copenhagen; Oslo, cat. no. 19
- 1952
- Cent portraits d'hommes du XIVe siècle à nos jours, Charpentier, Paris, 0 1952 - 0 1952, cat. no. 61b
- 1953
- Ex-Matsukata Collection, Bridgestone Gallery, 0 1953 - 0 1953, cat. no. 33
- 1955
- 2nd Ex-Matsukata Collection, Bridgestone Gallery, 0 1955 - 0 1955, cat. no. 35
- 1989
- Manet, Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen, 15 September 1989 - 26 November 1989, cat. no. 34, col. repr.
- 2002
- Edouard Manet und die Impressionisten, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 21 November 2002 - 9 February 2003, cat. no. 61, col. repr.
- 2010
- Manet and Modern Paris, Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, 6 April 2010 - 25 July 2010, cat. no. III-96, col. repr.
- 2012
- Manet: Portraying Life, Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, 4 October 2012 - 1 January 2013, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 26 January - 14 April 2013, cat. no. 38, col. repr.
- 2013
- Monet, An Eye for Landscapes: Innovation in 19th Century French Landscape Paintings, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 7 December 2013 - 9 March 2014
- 2017
- Edouard Manet, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, 24 October 2017 - 25 February 2018, [n. n.]
- 2019
- The Matsukata Collection: A One-Hundred-Year Odyssey: Upon the 60th Anniversary of the NMWA, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 11 June 2019 - 23 September 2019, cat. no. 131, col. repr.
- 2022
- Renoir—Monet—Gauguin: Images of a Floating World: the Collections of Kōjirō Matsukata and Karl Ernst Osthaus, Museum Folkwang, 6 February 2022 - 15 May 2022
- 2022
- In Dialogue with Nature - from Friedrich, Monet and Van Gogh to Richter, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 4 June 2022 - 11 September 2022, cat. no. 16
- 1902
- Duret, Théodore. Histoire d'Edouard Manet et de son œuvre avec un catalogue des peintures et des pastels. Paris, 1902, no. 260.
- 1918
- Madsen, Karl. Malerisamlingen Ordrupgaard: Wilhelm Hansens Samling: Malerier, Akvareller, Pasteller, Tegninger af franske Kunstnere, Copenhagen, 1918, p. 28, no. 65.
- 1918
- Catalogue des tableaux modernes et anciens; aquarelles, pastels, dessins; collection de Edgar Degas (cat. vente). Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 1918 , p. 23, no. 73.
- 1919
- Duret, Théodore. Histoire d'Édouard Manet et de son oeuvre avec un catalogue des peintures et des pastels. Paris, Bernheim-Jeune & cie, 1919, p. 274, no. 260.
- 1926
- Moreau-Nélaton, Étienne. Manet raconté par lui-même. vol. 2, Paris, 1926, pp. 67-68, fig. 268, repr.
- 1931
- Tabarant, Adolphe. Manet: Histoire catalographique. Paris, 1931, no. 305.
- 1932
- Jamot, Paul; Wildenstein, Georges. Manet. Paris, 1932, p. 165, no. 369, fig. 141, repr.
- 1947
- Tabarant, Adolphe. Manet et ses œuvres. 5e éd, Paris, Gallimard, 1947, pp. 365-366, 542, 613, no. 334, repr.
- 1948
- Vollard, Ambroise. Souvenirs d'un Marchant de Tableaux. Paris, Albin Michel, 1948, p. 77.
- 1953
- Sekai Bijutsu Zenshu. Vol. 23, Tokyo, 1953, pl. 8.
- 1958
- Dorival, Bernard. Un musée japonais d'art français. Connaissance des Arts. no.81, Nov. 1958, pp. 62-63, repr.
- 1959
- Sekai Bunkashi Taikei. Vol. 10, Tokyo, 1959, pl. 4.
- 1959
- Bridgestone Gallery. Tokyo, 1959, p. 2, no. 26, repr.
- 1961
- Sekai Bijutsu Zenshu. vol. 36, Tokyo, Kadokawa-shoten, 1961, pl. 9.
- 1965
- Bridgestone Gallery. Tokyo, 1965, no. 19, repr.
- 1967
- Venturi, Marcello; Orienti, Sandra. L'opera pittorica di Edouard Manet. Milano, 1967, p. 111, no. 286, repr.
- 1967
- Usami, Eiji. L'Art du Monde. Manet/Monet/Degas. Vol.10, Tokyo, 1967, pl. 14.
- 1968
- Mukai, Junkichi. L'Art du Monde. Manet/Monet. Vol.7, Tokyo, 1968, pl. 11.
- 1970
- Rouart, Denis; Orienti, Sandra. Tout l'œuvre peint d'Edouard Manet. Paris, 1970, no. 286, repr.
- 1971
- Takashina, Shuji. Kindai no Bijutsu. Matsukata Collection. Vol.2, Tokyo, 1971, pl. 4.
- 1971
- Kamon, Yasuo. Masterpieces of Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo. Connoisseur. Feb. 1971, p. 85.
- 1971
- Sasaki, Hideya. Edouard Manet dans les collections japonaises: peinture à l'huile, pastel, dessin. Bulletin Annuel du Musée National d’Art Occidental, No. 4 (1969), 1971, pp. 27-28, repr.
- 1973
- Leary, R. H. Japanese and French Paintings in the Bridgestone Museum of Art. Arts of Asia. Jul-Aug, 1973, p. 35.
- 1975
- Ikegami, Chuji. Classici dell'Arte Rizzoli. Manet. Vol. 13, Tokyo, 1975, no. 286, repr.
- 1975
- Rouart, Denis; Wildenstein, Daniel. Edouard Manet: Catalogue raisonné. tome 1 (peintures), Lausanne; Paris, 1975 (Bibliothèque des arts), no. 326, repr.
- 1977
- Bridgestone Museum of Art. Tokyo, 1977, no. 22, repr.
- 1978
- Monneret, Sophie. L'impressionisme et son époque. Paris, 1978, pp. 39, 135, 266.
- 1980
- Vollard, Ambroise. Souvenirs d'un Marchant de Tableaux. Tokyo, 1980, p. 89. (Japanese Translation.)
- 1988
- Annual bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 19 (1984), 1988, Takahashi, Akiya. New Acqisitions 1984. pp. 26-27, Catalogue of the New Acquisitions 1984. pp. 96-98, repr.
- 1989
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1989 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 56, repr.
- 1989
- Manet (exh. cat.). Wivel, Mikael; Bareau, Juliet Wilson; Finsen, Hanne. København, Ordrupgaard, 1989, pp. 128-129, cat. no. 34, col. repr.
- 1989
- Asmussen, Marianne Wirenfeldt. Wilhelm Hansens oprindelige samling af fransk kunst på Ordrupgaard. Copenhagen, 1989, no. 65.
- 1990
- The Old Matsukata Collection. Kobe City Museum, ed. Kobe, "Matsukata Korekushon Ten" Jikkoiinkai, 1990, cat. no. 979.
- 1990
- Catalogue of painting acquisitions: 1979-1989. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1990, pp. 46-48, repr.
- 2002
- Edouard Manet und die Impressionisten (exh.cat.). Conzen, Ina; Buschhoff, Petra; Elvers-Švamberk, Kathrin; Kohlheyer, Susanne; Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2002, pp. 144-146, cat. no. Abb. 175, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 67, col. repr.
- 2010
- Manet et le Paris moderne(exh. cat.). [Tokyo], Mitsubishi Ichigoukan Museum, Tokyo, Yomiuri Shimbun: NHK: NHK Promotions, c2010, cat. no. III-96, col. repr.
- 2012
- Manet: Portraying Life(exh. cat.). Toledo, Toledo Museum of Art; London, Royal Academy of Arts, c2012, cat. no. 38, col. repr.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 85, col. repr.
- 2017
- Edouard Manet (exh. cat.). Finckh, Gerhard. Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum, 2017, p. 271, col. repr.
- 2018
- The Matsukata Collection: Complete Catalogue of the European Art. Kawaguchi, Masako; Jingaoka, Megumi, eds. vol. 1: Paintings, Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2018, cat. no. 688, col. repr.
- 2019
- The Matsukata Collection: A One-Hundred-Year Odyssey (exh. cat.). Jingaoka, Megumi, ed. Tokyo, The National Museum of the Western Art, Tokyo; Yomiuri Shimbun; NHK; NHK Promotions, 2019, pp. 224, 226-227, 371, cat. no. 131, col. repr.
- 2022
- Renoir—Monet—Gauguin: Images of a Floating World: the Collections of Kōjirō Matsukata and Karl Ernst Osthaus (exh.cat.). Engel, Nadine; Herlemann, Rebecca, eds. Berlin, Hatje Cantz, [2022], pp. 220, 366, col. repr.
- 2022
- In Dialogue with Nature: from Friedrich, Monet and Van Gogh to Richter (exh. cat.). Jingaoka, Megumi; Shinfuji, Atsushi; Yomiuri Shimbun, Museum Exhibition Department, eds. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo; Yomiuri Shimbun; NHK; NHK Promotions, 2022, pp. 80, 255, cat. no. 16, col. repr.