更新日 2023.12.20 | 20 December 2023
Dirk Bouts (follower of)
Haarlem, c. 1415 - Leuven, 1475
荊冠のキリスト Christ Crowned with Thorns
材質・技法・形状 | 油彩、板 |
寸法(cm) | 44 x 30.5 |
署名・年記 | 額縁下部に後世の書込み: per via, Atéd[ite] et [vi]dete; 作品裏面に後世の書込み: Esta ymagen, m[and]o, / En su testam[ent]o, A este monas / t[eri]o, de la concepcíon, de / la puebla, la muy ill[ustr]e, señora / doña leonor chacõ partona / y fùdadora, del dicho monast[eri]o / Mandoselas con cõ dicion / que no las puedan dar ni / prestar, y que si las prestarã / las puedan tomar los cleri / gos para la yglesia de es / ta villa |
分類 | 絵画 |
所蔵番号 | P.1980-0003 |
この作品は上部が半円形をなす板にバックを金地とし、やや胸高に組んだ両手を下限として描かれた緋衣荊冠のキリストの半身像である。額縁の前面下端にRER VIA ATENDITE ET VIDETEと読めるラテン語銘文が記され、これは「すべて道を行く人びとよ、汝ら尋ね見るべし」(旧約聖書「哀歌」第1章12節)の後半である。正面を向いたキリストは心持ち頭を右(向かって左)へ傾け、視線をもそちらへ向けている。この姿勢は左に対幅の存在することを示すものであり、それが銘文の前半であるO VOS OMNES QUI TRANSITISを記した聖母像であることは容易に推測される。本作品のキリストは長袖の緋衣を着用し、両手を交叉させるのではなく組んでいる点において「エッケ・ホモ」と異なり、また傷痕を欠くことにおいて「悲しみの人」とも違う。このようなキリストの図像は、パノフスキーに従えば「荊冠の救世主」(イマゴ・サルヴァトーリス・コロナーティ)と呼ばれ、ディーリク・バウツによって始められたと言う。この図像は、「悲しみの聖母」(マーテル・ドロローサ)と組み合わせたかたちにおいて、彼の工房で多数の模作(レプリカ)が作られた。本作品もそれらのーつであり、シェーネは、1450年頃の制作と推定される原画の最良の模作であるとしている。眼を赤く泣き腫らして悲しみに沈むキリストや聖母の姿は、宗教的心情を、時にはいささかの感傷性を持って、細部の入念な仕上げのうちに表現したバウツの、そして初期フランドル絵画のーつの側面を端的に示したものといえよう。(出典: 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2006. cat. no. 7)
Doña Leonor Chacón (according to an old inscription on the reverse); by whom given to the Monasterio de la Concepción, La Puebla de Montalbán; Joachim Cabot I Rovira (1861-1951), Barcelona; W. Simonsen, São Paulo; K. Gratwohl, Zürich-Erlenbach; Sotheby Parke Bernet, London; purchased by the NMWA, 1980.
- 1957
- Dieric Bouts, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, 1957年0月0日-1958年0月0日, Museum Prinsenhof, Delft, cat. no. 22, repr.
- 1996
- 東京国立近代美術館・国立西洋美術館所蔵作品による 交差するまなざし: ヨーロッパと近代日本の美術, 東京国立近代美術館, 1996年7月20日-1996年9月8日, cat. no. 57
- 2014
- 非日常からの呼び声:平野啓一郎が選ぶ西洋美術の名品, 国立西洋美術館, 2014年4月8日-2014年6月15日, cat. no. 25
- 2014
- 橋本コレクション 指輪 神々の時代から現代まで ― 時を超える輝き, 国立西洋美術館 企画展示室, 2014年7月8日-2014年9月15日, cat. no. 156
- 1938
- Schöne, Wolfgang. Dieric Bouts und seine Schule. Berlin/Leipzig, 1938, p. 129, no. 19A, repr. fig. 48-b.
- 1944
- Michel, Edouard. L'école flamande du XVe siècle au Musée du Louvre. Bruxelles, 1944, p. 94.
- 1953
- Davies, Martin. The National Gallery, vol. 1. Antwerpen, 1953, (Les Primitifs Flamands, I. Corpus de la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle, no. 3), p. 34.
- 1957
- Baudoin, Frans. Dieric Bouts (exh. cat.). Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles; Museum Prinsenhof, Delft. Bruxelles, Éditions de la Connaissance, 1957-58, pp. 66-67.
- 1961
- Eisler, Colin Tobias. New England Museums. Antwerpen, 1961, (Les Primitifs Flamands, I. Corpus de la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle, no. 4), p. 59.
- 1981
- 神原正明. ディルク・バウツ作《悲しみのキリスト》. 福井県立美術館 美術館だより. no. 15, 1981, pp. 5-7.
- 1982
- 前川誠郎. “模写(レプリカ)”について. エクラン・世界の美術(10):オランダ、ベルギー、アムステルダムの美術館とネーデルランドの絵画. 東京, 主婦の友社, 1982, pp. 36-38, repr.
- 1982
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 15 (1980), 1982, 前川誠郎. [作品解説]. pp. 8-12, 新収作品目録. pp. 22, 24, repr.
- 1982
- Gazette des Beaux-Arts. ser. 6, tome 99, March 1982, "Chronique des Arts", p. 72, no. 381, repr.
- 1983
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1983, no. 4, repr.
- 1989
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1989, no. 4, repr.
- 1989
- Kobayashi-Sato, Yoriko. Catalogue of Dutch and Flemish Paintings in Japan I. ブリヂストン美術館・石橋美術館館報. no. 37 (1988), 1989, p. 37, no. 2, repr.
- 1990
- 国立西洋美術館新収蔵絵画目録: 昭和54年-平成元年. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 1990, pp. 21-22, repr.
- 1999
- 幸福 輝. 頬をつたう涙 ロヒール・ファン・デル・ウェイデンと初期フランドル絵画における感情表現. 国立西洋美術館研究紀要. No. 3, 1999, pp. 5-20, repr. [with English Abstract]
- 2006
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館; 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2006, no. 7, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 7, col. repr.
- 2013
- 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 西洋美術振興財団, 2013, no. 6, col. repr.
- 2018
- 幸福輝. 国立西洋美術館オランダ絵画・フランドル絵画カタログ. [東京], 国立西洋美術館; 西洋美術振興財団, 2018, pp. 26-28, no. 2, col. repr.
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Materials and Techniques | oil on panel |
Size(cm) | 44 x 30.5 |
Inscriptions | Inscription by a later hand on the lower part of the frame: per via, Atéd[ite] et [vi]dete (overwritten on the half-effaced inscription in capital letters: PERVIA ATED[...] ET VIDETE); on the back of the panel: Esta ymagen, m[and]o, / En su testam[ent]o, A este monas / t[eri]o, de la concepcíon, de / la puebla, la muy ill[ustr]e, señora / doña leonor chacõ partona / y fùdadora, del dicho monast[eri]o / Mandoselas con cõ dicion / que no las puedan dar ni / prestar, y que si las prestarã / las puedan tomar los cleri / gos para la yglesia de es / ta villa |
Credit Line | Purchased |
Category | Paintings |
Collection Number | P.1980-0003 |
This panel painting with gold background has a semicircular top edge and depicts a half-length image of Christ wearing a scarlet robe with hands clasped relatively high on his chest and crowned with thorns. The Latin inscription on the lower front edge of the frame, which states PER VIA ATENDITE ET VIDETE is the second half of the text of Lamentations 1:12, "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow." Christ faces forward and his emotive face is inclined towards his right, the viewer's left, with his gaze also turned towards the same direction. These factors indicate that the painting was originally the right painting in a pair or diptych, and it can easily be surmised that the pendant work would have been an image of the Grieving Madonna inscribed with the first half of the text, "is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by" .Here Christ is shown wearing a long-sleeved scarlet robe, with hands clasped in front of his chest. This pose differs from that of the "Ecce Homo" image with his hands widespread, and also diverges from the "Man of Sorrows" image with its lack of his wounds. According to Panofsky, this new type of Christ iconography known as the "Imago Salvatoris Coronati," combining the Salvator Mundi with Christ suffering the Passion, was created by Dirk Bouts. Members of Bouts' studio made a number of copies of this image to be paired with images of the Grieving Madonna. According to Schöne, this painting is one of the best replicas of the original Bouts painting thought to have been created around 1450. The red-eyed figure of Christ, crying as he suffers, combined with the crying figure of the Madonna reflects the careful finishing of details and the sentimentalism-laden religious sensibility characteristic of Bouts and early Flemish painting.(Source: Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2009, cat. no. 7)
Doña Leonor Chacón (according to an old inscription on the reverse); by whom given to the Monasterio de la Concepción, La Puebla de Montalbán; Joachim Cabot I Rovira (1861-1951), Barcelona; W. Simonsen, São Paulo; K. Gratwohl, Zürich-Erlenbach; Sotheby Parke Bernet, London; purchased by the NMWA, 1980.
Exhibition History
- 1957
- Dieric Bouts, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, 0 1957 - 0 1958, Museum Prinsenhof, Delft, cat. no. 22, repr.
- 1996
- The Crossing Visions: European and Modern Japanese Art from the Collections of The National Museum of Western Art & The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 20 July 1996 - 8 September 1996, cat. no. 57
- 2014
- Voices Calling from the Unusual: Hirano Keiichiro's Selection of Western Art Masterpieces, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 8 April 2014 - 15 June 2014, cat. no. 25
- 2014
- The Rings from The Hashimoto Collection of The National Museum of Western Art, The National Museum of Western Art, 8 July 2014 - 15 September 2014, cat. no. 156
- 1938
- Schöne, Wolfgang. Dieric Bouts und seine Schule. Berlin/Leipzig, 1938, p. 129, no. 19A, repr. fig. 48-b.
- 1944
- Michel, Edouard. L'école flamande du XVe siècle au Musée du Louvre. Bruxelles, 1944, p. 94.
- 1953
- Davies, Martin. The National Gallery, vol. 1. Antwerpen, 1953, (Les Primitifs Flamands, I. Corpus de la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle, no. 3), p. 34.
- 1957
- Baudoin, Frans. Dieric Bouts (exh. cat.). Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles; Museum Prinsenhof, Delft, 1957-58, pp. 66-67.
- 1961
- Eisler, Colin Tobias. New England Museums. Antwerpen, 1961, (Les Primitifs Flamands, I. Corpus de la peinture des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle, no. 4), p. 59.
- 1981
- Kanbara, Masaaki. Dieric Bouts "Christ Crowned with Thorns ", Fukushima Prefsctual Museum of Art, Museum News, no. 15, 1981, pp. 5-7.
- 1982
- Maekawa, Seiro. Ecrin. Arts And Monuments Of The World. No. 10, Tokyo, 1982, pp. 36-38, repr.
- 1982
- Annual Bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 15 (1980), 1982, Mayekawa, Seiro. On the New Acquisitions 1980. pp. 8-12, Catalogue of the New Acquisitions 1980. pp. 22, 24, repr.
- 1982
- Chronique des Arts. Gazette des Beaux-Arts. ser. 6, tome 99, March 1982, p. 72, no. 381, repr.
- 1983
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1983 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 4, repr.
- 1989
- Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1989 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 4, repr.
- 1989
- Kobayashi-Sato, Yoriko. Catalogue of Dutch and Flemish Paintings in Japan I. Annual Report Bridgestone Museum of Art & Ishibashi Museum of Art. no. 37 (1988), 1989, p. 37, no. 2, repr.
- 1990
- Catalogue of painting acquisitions: 1979-1989. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art, 1990, pp. 21-22, repr.
- 1999
- Kofuku, Akira. Tears Running Down the Cheeks, Rogier van der Weyden and the Expression of Emotions in Early Flemish Painting. Journal of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. No. 3, 1999, pp. 5-20, repr. [with English Abstract]
- 2006
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2006 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 7, col. repr.
- 2009
- Masterpieces of The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The National Museum of Western Art; Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2009, no. 7, col. repr.
- 2013
- Masterpieces: The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Tokyo, The Western Art Foundation, 2013 (Japanese, preface in Japanese and English), no. 6, col. repr.
- 2018
- Kofuku, Akira. Catalogue of Dutch and Flemish Paintings, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. [Tokyo], The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo; The Western Art Foundation, 2018, pp. 26-28, no. 2, col. repr.