更新日 2021.10.27 | 27 October 2021
『トスカーナ大公フェルディナンド一世とクリスティーヌ・ド・ロレーヌの結婚式』:ピッティ宮の中庭 <Festivals for the Marriage of Grand Duke Ferdinand I of Tuscany and Christina of Lorraine>: The Pitti Palace Courtyard Equipped for Foot Combat
制作年 | 1589年 |
材質・技法・形状 | エッチング |
寸法(cm) | 23.6 x 33.1 |
分類 | 版画 |
所蔵番号 | G.2008-0015 |
Purchased by the NMWA, 2008.
- 2013
- [版画素描展示]イタリア版画展―新収作品を中心に, 国立西洋美術館 版画素描展示室, 2013年9月6日-2013年11月17日, cat. no. 21
- 2010
- 国立西洋美術館年報. No. 43(Apr. 2008-Mar. 2009), 2010, 新収作品一覧. p. 46.
Currently not on display
<Festivals for the Marriage of Grand Duke Ferdinand I of Tuscany and Christina of Lorraine>: The Pitti Palace Courtyard Equipped for Foot Combat
Date | 1589 |
Materials and Techniques | etching from a set of 28 |
Watermarks | Man & Pilgrim's Staff (C. M. Briquet, Les Filigranes, vol. II, Paris 1907, pp. 415-416) |
Size(cm) | 23.6 x 33.1 |
Category | Prints |
Collection Number | G.2008-0015 |
Purchased by the NMWA, 2008.
Exhibition History
- 2013
- [Prints and Drawings Exhibition] Italian Prints: Featuring New Acquisitions, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, Prints and Drawings Gallery, 6 September 2013 - 17 November 2013, cat. no. 21
- 2010
- Annual bulletin of the National Museum of Western Art. No. 43(Apr. 2008-Mar. 2009), 2010, List of New Acquisitions. p. 46.